Ska Engineering Telemetry Archive


The Ska engineering telemetry archive is a suite of tools and data products that make available the majority of all Chandra engineering telemetry since the start of the mission (1999:204). This includes about 6300 MSIDs. The telemetry are stored in a way that allows for very fast and efficient retrieval into memory. Typical retrieve rates are around 10^7 samples/sec. For an MSID sampled once per second this translates to about 3 sec per year of data.

The engineering telemetry archive consists of:

  • Tools to ingest and compress telemetry from the CXC Chandra archive products.

  • Compressed telemetry files in HDF5 format. Each MSID has three associated products:

    • Full time-resolution data: time, value, quality

    • 5-minute statistics: min, max, mean, sampled value, number of samples

    • Daily statistics: min, max, mean, sampled value, standard deviation, percentiles (1, 5, 16, 50, 84, 95, 99), number of samples.

  • A python module to retrieve telemetry values.


A small selection of pseudo-MSIDs that do not come in the engineering telemetry stream are also available in the archive. These are:

  • SIM telemetry: SIM position and moving status (deprecated)

  • EPHIN telemetry: level-0 science telemetry from EPHIN

  • ACIS DEA housekeeping: status from the DEA (including detector focal plane temperature)

  • Ephemeris: predictive and definitive orbital (Chandra), solar, and lunar ephemeris values

  • Derived parameters: values computed from other MSIDs in the archive (ACIS power, orbital elements, PCAD, thermal)

For details see the documentation on Pseudo-MSIDs in the engineering archive.


API docs