Chandra Data Archive and Ocat¶
module provides a Python interface to the
Chandra Data Archive (CDA) web services and an interface to a local disk copy of
the Observation Catalog (Ocat) if that is available.
The CDA web services interface provides access to the following. Note however that the CDA is not accessible from the GRETA network.
Ocat details: full details from the Ocat (124 fields) for the mission, plus access to ACIS windows, roll requirements and time requirements for applicable observations.
Ocat summary: summary data from the Ocat (26 fields).
Proposal abstracts: abstract information for each observation.
Archive file list: list of raw data files in the Chandra archive for each observation.
On the HEAD and GRETA networks, a copy of the Ocat details table (124 fields) is maintained and updated daily. This is a compressed HDF5 file which is approximately 5 Mb and can be synced to a local (laptop) computer. It is located at:
This local file version can be used for faster, network-free queries of the Ocat.
This is the type of content that can be seen directly at:
Local Ocat access¶
The get_ocat_local()
function provides fast
access to the Ocat if the local Ocat HDF5 file is available on disk. In
particular reading the entire Ocat or querying on a target name substring is at
least 10 times faster than using the Web access to CDA.
The local version of the Ocat is cached in memory the first time it is read in full, so this means subsequent full reads or searches for target names will be much faster. The cache expires in one hour in case you have a long-running job.
Any of the fields in the returned table can be used for filtering the query via exact matches of the parameters:
>>> from mica.archive.cda import get_ocat_local
>>> dat = get_ocat_local(obsid=5438)
>>> dat['target_name']
'R Aqr'
>>> dat = get_ocat_local() # Get the whole Ocat for the mission
>>> dat = get_ocat_local(instr='HRC-S', grat='LETG') # All HRC-S LETG obs
>>> dat
<Table length=734>
seq_num status obsid pr_num target_name ... evfil evfil_lo evfil_ra efficient spwin
... keV keV
str6 str11 int64 str8 str29 ... str1 float64 float64 str1 str1
------- -------- ----- -------- ----------- ... ----- -------- -------- --------- -----
archived 62635 ... 0 -- -- 0 0
archived 62636 ... 0 -- -- 0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
901342 archived 20944 18900560 Mkn 421 ... 0 -- -- 0 0
901410 archived 21389 20900088 PKS0405-123 ... 0 -- -- 0 0
901410 archived 21955 20900088 PKS0405-123 ... 0 -- -- 0 0
The target_name
is handled specially. By default, this parameter matches
any substring in the Ocat target name field, ignoring spaces:
# Targets with 'jet' in name.
>>> dat = get_ocat_local(target_name='jet')
However, if the target name is a valid catalog source name that can be resolved
by the CDS name resolver, then the target name can be used for a radial cone
search around the target position by specifying resolve_name=True
# Observations within 4 arcmin of 3C273
>>> dat = get_ocat_local(target_name='3c273', resolve_name=True, radius=4)
# Observations within 1 degree of RA, Dec = 10, 10
>>> dat = get_ocat_local(ra=10, dec=10, radius=60)
One convenience in this function is that when the obsid
is specified, then
by default the result is returned as a dict
instead of a Table
. This
saves the boilerplate step of selecting element-0 of a Table.
Advanced users may consider use of the where
keyword argument, which allows
fast in-kernel filtering of the table contents.
See for details.
This feature is used internally for the exact parameter matching as well as
for the positional cone search around a coordinate.
Web access to CDA¶
The Chandra Data Archive hosts a web service that provides access to various elements of the archive. Examples follow.
The get_ocat_web()
function for web access to
the Ocat is similar to the local file access documented above, and all of those
examples will work just by changing get_ocat_local
to get_ocat_web
Additional functionality is described in the function docs
. In particular the Web API parameters
can be used via the function call.
Proposal abstracts¶
The get_proposal_abstract()
function allows
getting information about the proposal and the abstract:
>>> from mica.archive.cda import get_proposal_abstract
>>> get_proposal_abstract(obsid=8000)
{'abstract': 'We propose the Chandra-COSMOS survey which will provide an '
'unprecedented combination of contiguous area, depth and '
'resolution. 36 densely tiled observations will cover the central '
'0.7 sq.deg. COSMOS field to a uniform 200ksec depth. COSMOS '
'explores the coupled evolution of galaxies, dark matter halos '
'and AGNs (massive black holes) largely free of cosmic variance. '
'COSMOS is a comprehensive survey including: HST, Spitzer, '
'Subaru, VLT, Magellan, VLA, MAMBO, GALEX, & potentially EVLA & '
'ALMA. Chandra resolution & sensitivity enables the study of '
'large scale phenomena: (1) influence of the surrounding '
'environment; (2) interaction between galaxies; (3) influence of '
'groups and clusters',
'principal_investigator': 'Martin Elvis',
'proposal_number': '08900073',
'proposal_title': 'THE CHANDRA-COSMOS SURVEY'}
Archive file list¶
The get_archive_file_list()
function allows
getting a list of archive files for given obsid
, detector
, level
and dataset
(and possibly other parameters).
>>> get_archive_file_list(obsid=2365, detector='pcad',
... subdetector='aca', level=1, obi=2)
<Table length=27>
Filename Filesize Timestamp
str30 int64 str19
------------------------------ -------- -------------------
pcadf126690624N007_asol1.fits 7300800 2021-04-09 08:04:29
pcadf02365_002N001_asol1.fits 4728960 2021-04-09 08:04:30
... ... ...
pcadf126695890N007_adat61.fits 1293120 2021-04-09 08:04:28
pcadf126695890N007_adat71.fits 1293120 2021-04-09 08:04:28
>>> get_archive_file_list(obsid=400, detector='acis', level=2, filetype='evt2')
<Table length=1>
Filename Filesize Timestamp
str24 int64 str19
------------------------ -------- -------------------
acisf00400N007_evt2.fits 4619520 2011-07-08 13:52:57
Ocat table fields¶
Some of these fields may be described in the chaser help at:
Column |
Description |
seq_num |
Sequence Number |
status |
Status (unobserved, archived, untriggered, etc) |
obsid |
Obsid |
pr_num |
Proposal Number |
target_name |
Target name |
grid_name |
database id of grid name if grid observation |
instr |
Instrument |
grat |
Grating (HETG, LETG, NONE) |
type |
Observation type (TOO, GO, GTO) |
obs_cycle |
Observation cycle |
prop_cycle |
Proposal cycle |
charge_cycle |
Charge cycle |
start_date |
Observation start date |
public_avail |
Date publicly available |
readout_detector |
Detector (which HRC detector or string of actual ACIS ccds) |
datamode |
Instrument data mode |
joint |
Joint observatories (string) |
hst |
HST time (orbits?) |
noao |
NOAO time |
nrao |
NRAO time |
rxte |
RXTE time |
spitzer |
SPITZER time |
suzaku |
SUZAKU time |
xmm |
XMM time |
swift |
SWIFT time |
nustar |
NUSTAR time |
category |
Science category |
seg_max_num |
prop_title |
Proposal Title |
pi_name |
Principal investigator name |
observer |
Observer name |
app_exp |
Approved exposure time (ks) |
exp_time |
Actual exposure time (ks) |
ra |
Target Right Ascension |
dec |
Target Declination |
soe_roll |
Roll from SOE |
time_crit |
Time critical flag |
y_off |
Y offset |
z_off |
Z offset |
x_sim |
z_sim |
raster |
Raster flag |
obj_type |
Object type |
obj |
Solar system object name |
photo |
Photometry flag |
vmag |
V Mag of object |
est_cnt_rate |
Estimated count rate |
forder_cnt_rate |
First order count rate |
count_rate |
event_count |
dither |
Dither flag |
y_amp |
Dither Y amplitude if custom dither |
y_freq |
Dither Y frequency if custom dither |
y_phase |
Dither Y phase if custom dither |
z_amp |
Dither Z amplitude if custom dither |
z_freq |
Dither Z frequency if custom dither |
z_phase |
Dither Z phase if custom dither |
roll |
Roll constraint flag |
window |
Window constraint flag |
unint |
Uninterrupt constraint flag |
pointing_update |
Pointing update constraint flag |
monitor |
Monitor series flag |
pre_id |
Obsid of previous observation in monitor series |
mon_min |
Min days from pre_id for monitor observation |
mon_max |
Max days from pre_id for monitor observation |
group_id |
Database group id |
constr |
epoch |
period |
pstart |
ps_marg |
pend |
pe_marg |
multitel |
multitel_obs |
multitel_int |
constr_rmk |
Constraint in remarks flag |
too_type |
too_start |
too_stop |
alt_group |
alt_trig |
simode |
Science Instrument (SI) mode |
hrc |
spect_mode |
blank_en |
u_hi |
v_hi |
u_lo |
v_lo |
timing |
z_blk |
acis |
mode |
ACIS mode (CC or TE) |
bep_pack |
dropped_chip_cnt |
Dropped chip count |
i0 |
ACIS I0 ccd status (Y, N, optional with number, or D if dropped) |
i1 |
ACIS I1 ccd status (Y, N, optional with number, or D if dropped) |
i2 |
ACIS I2 ccd status (Y, N, optional with number, or D if dropped) |
i3 |
ACIS I3 ccd status (Y, N, optional with number, or D if dropped) |
s0 |
ACIS S0 ccd status (Y, N, optional with number, or D if dropped) |
s1 |
ACIS S1 ccd status (Y, N, optional with number, or D if dropped) |
s2 |
ACIS S2 ccd status (Y, N, optional with number, or D if dropped) |
s3 |
ACIS S3 ccd status (Y, N, optional with number, or D if dropped) |
s4 |
ACIS S4 ccd status (Y, N, optional with number, or D if dropped) |
s5 |
ACIS S5 ccd status (Y, N, optional with number, or D if dropped) |
spectra_max_count |
Spectra Max Count |
multiple_spectral_lines |
Multiple spectral lines expected (Y, N) |
subary |
ACIS subarray (CUSTOM, NONE) |
strt_row |
Start row of ACIS subarray |
row_cnt |
Number of rows of ACIS subarray |
d_cyc |
sec_cnt |
pr_time |
sec_time |
f_time |
oc_sum |
oc_row |
oc_col |
evfil |
evfil_lo |
evfil_ra |
efficient |
ACIS use most efficient (Y, N) |
spwin |
Spatial window (Y, N) |