Aspect L1 productsΒΆ
The mica.archive.asp_l1
module provides tools to build and fetch from
a file archive of Aspect level 1 products.
Methods are provided to find the archive directory:
>>> from mica.archive import asp_l1
>>> asp_l1.get_dir(2121)
>>> obsdirs = asp_l1.get_obs_dirs(6000)
The obsdirs dictionary should look something like:
{'default': '/data/aca/archive/asp1/06/06000',
2: '/data/aca/archive/asp1/06/06000_v02',
3: '/data/aca/archive/asp1/06/06000_v03',
'last': '/data/aca/archive/asp1/06/06000',
'revisions': [2, 3]}
Methods are also provided to retrieve a list files by obsid and time range.
>>> obs_files = asp_l1.get_files(6000)
>>> obs_gspr = asp_l1.get_files(6000, content=['GSPROPS'])
>>> range_fidpr = asp_l1.get_files(start='2012:001',
... stop='2012:030',
... content=['FIDPROPS'])