ACA diagnostic telemetry

The mica.archive.aca_hdr3 module works with Header 3 data (extended ACA diagnostic telemetry) available in 8x8 ACA L0 image data. The module provies an MSID class and MSIDset class to fetch these data as “pseudo-MSIDs” and return masked array data structures. See ACA HDR3 Pseudo-MSIDS for the list of available pseudo-MSIDs.

>>> from mica.archive import aca_hdr3
>>> ccd_temp = aca_hdr3.MSID('ccd_temp', '2012:001', '2012:020')
>>> type(ccd_temp.vals)
>>> from Ska.Matplotlib import plot_cxctime
>>> figure(figsize=(5, 3.5))
>>> plot_cxctime(ccd_temp.times, ccd_temp.vals, '.')
>>> perigee_data = aca_hdr3.MSIDset(['ccd_temp', 'aca_temp', 'dac'],
...                                 '2012:125', '2012:155')
>>> figure(figsize=(5, 3.5))
>>> plot(perigee_data['aca_temp'].vals - perigee_data['ccd_temp'].vals,
...      perigee_data['dac'].vals, '.')
>>> subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15)
>>> ylabel('TEC DAC Control Level')
>>> xlabel('ACA temp - CCD temp (C)')

Retrieving pseudo-MSIDs with this module will be slower than Ska.engarchive fetches of similar telemetry, as the aca_hdr3 module reads from each of the collection of original fits.gz files for a specified time range. Ska.engarchive, in contrast, reads from HDF5 files (per MSID) optimized for fast reads.:

In [3]: %time ccd_temp = aca_hdr3.MSID('ccd_temp', '2012:001', '2012:020')
CPU times: user 5.18 s, sys: 0.12 s, total: 5.29 s
Wall time: 7.46 s

In [9]: %time quick_ccd = Ska.engarchive.fetch.MSID('AACCCDPT', '2012:001', '2012:020')
CPU times: user 0.02 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.03 s
Wall time: 0.81 s


AC status word.  A status word read from the AC.  The bits in the word are
defined as follows:

xxxx xxrr rrtt eccp

X = spare bits
R = CCD readout mode
   1 => S/H input is grounded during pixel readout
   2 => CCD reset is pulsed during column flush
   4 => CCD reset/sw is pulsed during row shifts
   8 => MUX is switched to ground when A/D not in use
T = Test signal select (test signals not available in flight)
E = Cmd error.  AC cmd input buffer was overwritten
C = Clock period for parallel shifts
   0 => 6 microsec
   1 => 12 microsec
   2 => 24 microsec
   3 => 48 microsec
P = PromWrite? flag: true when AC EEPROM is in the write mode.
Miscellaneous status bits showing the status of the following 16 flag variables
starting with the LSB and ending with the MSB:

bit 0 (LSB): AcSendTimeOut?
bit 1: AcIdleTimeOut?
bit 2: TecActive?
bit 3: TecHeat?
bit 4: DecAcTable?
bit 5: AcTableCkSumOK?
bit 6: StackError?
bit 7: WarmBoot?
bit 8: IdleCode LSB
bit 9: CalMode?
bit 10: CalModePending?
bit 11: IuData?
bit 12: IuDataPending?
bit 13: DsnFixed?
bit 14: InitialCalFillOK?
bit 15 (MSB): IoUpdTimeout?
A/D converter reading for the CCD moly base thermistor number 1
A/D converter reading for the CCD moly base thermistor number 2
A/D converter reading for the CCD detector thermistor
A/D converter reading for the +5 volt power supply; 1 LSB=0.30518 mv
A/D converter reading for the +15 volt power supply; 1 LSB=0.61035 mv
A/D converter reading for the -15 volt power supply; 1 LSB=0.61035 mv
A/D converter reading for the +27 volt power supply; 1 LSB=1.04597 mv
A/D converter reading for analog ground; 1 LSB=0.30518 mv
A/D converter reading for the A/D converter thermistor.
A/D converter reading for the secondary mirror thermistor, HRMA side
A/D converter reading for the secondary mirror thermistor, Opposite from the
HRMA side
A/D converter reading for the primary mirror thermistor, HRMA side
A/D converter reading for the primary mirror thermistor, opposite from the
HRMA side
A/D converter reading for the AC housing thermistor, HRMA side
A/D converter reading for the AC housing thermistor, opposite HRMA side
A/D converter reading for the lens cell thermistor
A word containing the processor data stack pointer in the high byte, and
an update counter in the low byte that increments once for every 1.025
second telemetry update.
The science header pulse period, as measured by the PEA; 1 LSB = 2 microseconds
A 16-bit zero offset for pixels read from CCD quadrant A; 1 LSB = 1 A/D
converter count (nominally 5 electrons)
A 16-bit zero offset for pixels read from CCD quadrant B; 1 LSB = 1 A/D
converter count (nominally 5 electrons)
A 16-bit zero offset for pixels read from CCD quadrant C; 1 LSB = 1 A/D
converter count (nominally 5 electrons)
A 16-bit zero offset for pixels read from CCD quadrant D; 1 LSB = 1 A/D
converter count (nominally 5 electrons)
A 32-bit zero offset for pixels read from CCD quadrant A; 1 LSB = 2^-16
A/D converter counts
A 32-bit zero offset for pixels read from CCD quadrant B; 1 LSB = 2^-16
A/D converter counts
A 32-bit zero offset for pixels read from CCD quadrant C; 1 LSB = 2^-16
A/D converter counts
A 32-bit zero offset for pixels read from CCD quadrant D; 1 LSB = 2^-16
A/D converter counts
The time required for the most recent flush of the CCD; 1 LSB=2 microseconds
The CCD row shift clock period currently in effect; 1 LSB = 1 microsecond
An overall average background reading derived from the most recent CCD readout.
This is an average from all tracked images and from all search readout
segments. One LSB = 1 A/D converter count (nominally 5 electrons).
Header 1 for Deep Space Network record.
The record counter and Header 2 for Deep Space Network records.
The record counter occupies the three high order bytes, and Header 2
occupies the low order byte.
CCD temperature.  1 LSB=0.01/(2^16) degrees C.  The high order 16 bits give the
CCD temperature in units of 1 LSB = 0.01 degrees C.
The CCD temperature control setpoint; 1 LSB=0.01 degrees C
The temperature used in the angle calibration equations that convert star
positions from CCD row and column coordinates to Y and Z angles for OBC
telemetry; 1 LSB = 1/256 degrees C.
The address in RAM of the failure most recently detected by the RAM
write-and-read test
The number most recently written to the TEC power control DAC.