States API

Command states

Provide functions for dynamically determining Chandra commanded states.

This is based entirely on known history of commands.

class kadi.commands.states.ACISFP_SetPointTransition[source]

Bases: BaseTransition

Implement transitions for ACIS focal plane temperature setpoint state.

Looks for ACISPKT commands with TLMSID like WSFTNEG<number>, where the ACIS FP setpoint temperature is -<number>.

State keys: acisfp_setpoint

Commands: type=ACISPKT

Others: default_value=-121.0, set_transitions=<classmethod(<function ACISFP_SetPointTransition.set_transitions at 0x7fe997c83060>)>

classmethod set_transitions(transitions_list: list[Transition], cmds, start, stop)[source]

Set transitions for a Table of commands cmds.


list of transitions (updated in-place)


commands (CmdList)


start time for states


stop time for states

class kadi.commands.states.ACISTransition[source]

Bases: BaseTransition

Implement transitions for ACIS states.

State keys: clocking, power_cmd, vid_board, fep_count, si_mode, ccd_count, obsid

Commands: type=ACISPKT

Others: set_transitions=<classmethod(<function ACISTransition.set_transitions at 0x7fe997c82fc0>)>, simode_callback=<classmethod(<function ACISTransition.simode_callback at 0x7fe997c83100>)>

classmethod set_transitions(transitions_list: list[Transition], cmds, start, stop)[source]

Set transitions for a Table of commands cmds.


list of transitions (updated in-place)


commands (CmdList)


start time for states


stop time for states

class kadi.commands.states.AutoNPMDisableTransition[source]

Bases: FixedTransition

Disable automatic transition to Normal Point Mode

State keys: q1, q2, q3, q4, targ_q1, targ_q2, targ_q3, targ_q4, ra, dec, roll, auto_npnt, pcad_mode, pitch, off_nom_roll

Commands: tlmsid=AONM2NPD

Others: transition_key=auto_npnt, transition_val=DISA

class kadi.commands.states.AutoNPMEnableTransition[source]

Bases: FixedTransition

Enable automatic transition to Normal Point Mode

State keys: q1, q2, q3, q4, targ_q1, targ_q2, targ_q3, targ_q4, ra, dec, roll, auto_npnt, pcad_mode, pitch, off_nom_roll

Commands: tlmsid=AONM2NPE

Others: transition_key=auto_npnt, transition_val=ENAB

class kadi.commands.states.BaseTransition[source]

Bases: object

Base transition class from which all actual transition classes are derived.

classmethod get_state_changing_commands(cmds)[source]

Get commands that match the required attributes for state changing commands.

This depends on two class attributes that are defined in derived classes:

command_attributes (required)

dict of {cmd_attr: match_value, ..}, where cmd_attr is either type or tlmsid, and match_value is the required value.

command_params (optional)

dict of {cmd_attr: match_value, ..}, where cmd_attr is one of the available command parameters, and match_value is either the required value or a list of required values (where at least one must match).


Input commands


Subset of cmds relevant for this Transition class

class kadi.commands.states.BatteryConnect[source]

Bases: BaseTransition

Most recent battery connect time (type=COMMAND_SW and tlmsid=EOESTECN)

State keys: sun_pos_mon, battery_connect, eclipse_enable_spm

Commands: tlmsid=EOESTECN

Others: default_value=1999:001:00:00:00.000, set_transitions=<classmethod(<function BatteryConnect.set_transitions at 0x7fe997c825c0>)>

classmethod set_transitions(transitions_list: list[Transition], cmds, start, stop)[source]

Set transitions for a Table of commands cmds.


list of transitions (updated in-place)


commands (CmdList)


start time for states


stop time for states

class kadi.commands.states.DitherDisableTransition[source]

Bases: FixedTransition

Dither disable

State keys: dither

Commands: tlmsid=AODSDITH

Others: transition_key=dither, transition_val=DISA

class kadi.commands.states.DitherEnableTransition[source]

Bases: FixedTransition

Dither enable

State keys: dither

Commands: tlmsid=AOENDITH

Others: transition_key=dither, transition_val=ENAB

class kadi.commands.states.DitherParamsTransition[source]

Bases: BaseTransition

Dither parameters

State keys: dither_phase_pitch, dither_phase_yaw, dither_ampl_pitch, dither_ampl_yaw, dither_period_pitch, dither_period_yaw

Commands: tlmsid=AODITPAR

Others: set_transitions=<classmethod(<function DitherParamsTransition.set_transitions at 0x7fe997c82660>)>

classmethod set_transitions(transitions_list: list[Transition], cmds, start, stop)[source]

Set transitions for a Table of commands cmds.


list of transitions (updated in-place)


commands (CmdList)


start time for states


stop time for states

class kadi.commands.states.EclipseEnableSPM[source]

Bases: BaseTransition

Flag to indicate whether SPM will be enabled 11 minutes after eclipse exit.

This is evaluated at the time of eclipse entry and checks that the most recent battery connect command (via the battery_connect state) was within 135 seconds of eclipse entry.

See email thread “Criteria for SPM auto-enable following eclipse” around 2024-Feb-17 for more details on the 135 second threshold.

State keys: sun_pos_mon, battery_connect, eclipse_enable_spm

Commands: type=ORBPOINT, event_type=PENTRY or LSPENTRY

Others: default_value=False, BATTERY_CONNECT_MAX_DT=135, set_transitions=<classmethod(<function EclipseEnableSPM.set_transitions at 0x7fe997c82480>)>, callback=<classmethod(<function EclipseEnableSPM.callback at 0x7fe997c82520>)>

classmethod callback(date, transitions, state, idx)[source]

Set flag if SPM will be enabled 11 minutes after eclipse exit.

battery_connect is the time of the battery connect EOESTECN command, which must occur prior to this command which is eclipse entry.

classmethod set_transitions(transitions_list: list[Transition], cmds, start, stop)[source]

Set transitions for a Table of commands cmds.


list of transitions (updated in-place)


commands (CmdList)


start time for states


stop time for states

class kadi.commands.states.EclipseEntryTimerTransition[source]

Bases: ParamTransition

Eclipse entry timer update

State keys: eclipse_timer

Commands: tlmsid=EOECLETO

Others: transition_key=eclipse_timer, cmd_param_key=timecnt

class kadi.commands.states.EclipsePenumbraEntryTransition[source]

Bases: FixedTransition

Eclipse penumbra entry

State keys: eclipse

Commands: type=ORBPOINT, event_type=PENTRY or LSPENTRY

Others: transition_key=eclipse, transition_val=PENUMBRA

class kadi.commands.states.EclipsePenumbraExitTransition[source]

Bases: FixedTransition

Eclipse penumbra exit

State keys: eclipse

Commands: type=ORBPOINT, event_type=PEXIT or LSPEXIT

Others: transition_key=eclipse, transition_val=DAY

class kadi.commands.states.EclipseUmbraEntryTransition[source]

Bases: FixedTransition

Eclipse umbra entry

State keys: eclipse

Commands: type=ORBPOINT, event_type=EONIGHT

Others: transition_key=eclipse, transition_val=UMBRA

class kadi.commands.states.EclipseUmbraExitTransition[source]

Bases: FixedTransition

Eclipse umbra exit

State keys: eclipse

Commands: type=ORBPOINT, event_type=EODAY

Others: transition_key=eclipse, transition_val=PENUMBRA

class kadi.commands.states.EphemerisTransition[source]

Bases: ParamTransition

On-board ephemeris update values

State keys: aoephem1, aoephem2, aoratio, aoargper, aoeccent, ao1minus, ao1plus, aomotion, aoiterat, aoorbang, aoperige, aoascend, aosini, aoslr, aosqrtmu

Commands: tlmsid=AOEPHUPS

Others: transition_key=[‘aoephem1’, ‘aoephem2’, ‘aoratio’, ‘aoargper’, ‘aoeccent’, ‘ao1minus’, ‘ao1plus’, ‘aomotion’, ‘aoiterat’, ‘aoorbang’, ‘aoperige’, ‘aoascend’, ‘aosini’, ‘aoslr’, ‘aosqrtmu’], cmd_param_key=[‘aoephem1’, ‘aoephem2’, ‘aoratio’, ‘aoargper’, ‘aoeccent’, ‘ao1minus’, ‘ao1plus’, ‘aomotion’, ‘aoiterat’, ‘aoorbang’, ‘aoperige’, ‘aoascend’, ‘aosini’, ‘aoslr’, ‘aosqrtmu’]

class kadi.commands.states.EphemerisUpdateTransition[source]

Bases: BaseTransition

On-board ephemeris update date.

Mostly useful for the FOT to assist in backstop processing.

State keys: ephem_update

Commands: tlmsid=AOEPHUPS

Others: set_transitions=<classmethod(<function EphemerisUpdateTransition.set_transitions at 0x7fe997c822a0>)>

classmethod set_transitions(transitions_list: list[Transition], cmds, start, stop)[source]

Set transitions for a Table of commands cmds.


list of transitions (updated in-place)


commands (CmdList)


start time for states


stop time for states

class kadi.commands.states.FidsTransition[source]

Bases: BaseTransition

Fid light transitions.

This sets the “fids” to a Python set of FID IDs that are currently on.

The relevant fid light commands are shown below. Basically it comes down to AFLCxxDy (fid id xx and driver y) commands, AFLCRSET and AFLCAAOF/AFLCAAON/AFLCABOF/AFLCABON commands. The latter four are never used (we don’t turn the fid light controllers on or off in loads). This table is from the CDB in $SKA/data/Ska.tdb/cdb/p010/cdb_command.csv.

cmd_mnemonic                 technical_name
------------ ---------------------------------------------
    AFLC01D1   drive flca fid light 1 (acis-1) on driver 1
    AFLC01D2   drive flca fid light 1 (acis-1) on driver 2
    AFLC01D3   drive flca fid light 1 (acis-1) on driver 3
    AFLC01D4   drive flca fid light 1 (acis-1) on driver 4
    AFLC02D1   drive flca fid light 2 (acis-2) on driver 1
    AFLC02D2   drive flca fid light 2 (acis-2) on driver 2
    AFLC02D3   drive flca fid light 2 (acis-2) on driver 3
    AFLC02D4   drive flca fid light 2 (acis-2) on driver 4
    AFLC03D1   drive flca fid light 3 (acis-3) on driver 1
    AFLC03D2   drive flca fid light 3 (acis-3) on driver 2
    AFLC03D3   drive flca fid light 3 (acis-3) on driver 3
    AFLC03D4   drive flca fid light 3 (acis-3) on driver 4
    AFLC04D1   drive flca fid light 4 (acis-4) on driver 1
    AFLC04D2   drive flca fid light 4 (acis-4) on driver 2
    AFLC04D3   drive flca fid light 4 (acis-4) on driver 3
    AFLC04D4   drive flca fid light 4 (acis-4) on driver 4
    AFLC05D1   drive flca fid light 5 (acis-5) on driver 1
    AFLC05D2   drive flca fid light 5 (acis-5) on driver 2
    AFLC05D3   drive flca fid light 5 (acis-5) on driver 3
    AFLC05D4   drive flca fid light 5 (acis-5) on driver 4
    AFLC06D1   drive flca fid light 6 (acis-6) on driver 1
    AFLC06D2   drive flca fid light 6 (acis-6) on driver 2
    AFLC06D3   drive flca fid light 6 (acis-6) on driver 3
    AFLC06D4   drive flca fid light 6 (acis-6) on driver 4
    AFLC07D1  drive flca fid light 7 (hrc-i-1) on driver 1
    AFLC08D2  drive flca fid light 8 (hrc-i-2) on driver 2
    AFLC09D3  drive flca fid light 9 (hrc-i-3) on driver 3
    AFLC10D4 drive flca fid light 10 (hrc-i-4) on driver 4
    AFLC11D1 drive flca fid light 11 (hrc-s-1) on driver 1
    AFLC12D2 drive flca fid light 12 (hrc-s-3) on driver 2
    AFLC13D3 drive flca fid light 13 (hrc-s-2) on driver 3
    AFLC14D4 drive flca fid light 14 (hrc-s-4) on driver 4
    AFLCAAOF                                  flca - a off
    AFLCAAON                                   flca - a on
    AFLCABOF                                  flca - b off
    AFLCABON                                   flca - b on
    AFLCRSET                      flca configuration reset

State keys: fids

Commands: tlmsid=AFIDP

Others: set_transitions=<classmethod(<function FidsTransition.set_transitions at 0x7fe997c831a0>)>, fids_callback=<classmethod(<function FidsTransition.fids_callback at 0x7fe997c83240>)>

classmethod fids_callback(date, transitions, state, idx, *, msid)[source]

Update state for the given fid light command msid.

classmethod set_transitions(transitions_list: list[Transition], cmds, start, stop)[source]

Set transitions for a Table of commands cmds.


list of transitions (updated in-place)


commands (CmdList)


start time for states


stop time for states

class kadi.commands.states.FixedTransition[source]

Bases: BaseTransition

Transitions for fixed attribute.

This is for the case of an attribute that gets set to a fixed value when the command occurs, e.g. pcad_mode=’NMAN’ for AONMMODE.

Class attributes:

  • transition_key – single transition key or list of transition keys

  • transition_val – single transition value or list of values

classmethod set_transitions(transitions_list: list[Transition], cmds, start, stop)[source]

Set transitions for a Table of commands cmds.


list of transitions (updated in-place)


commands (CmdList)


start time for states


stop time for states

class kadi.commands.states.Format1_Transition[source]

Bases: FixedTransition

Transition to telemetry format 1

State keys: format

Commands: tlmsid=CSELFMT1

Others: transition_key=format, transition_val=FMT1

class kadi.commands.states.Format2_Transition[source]

Bases: FixedTransition

Transition to telemetry format 2

State keys: format

Commands: tlmsid=CSELFMT2

Others: transition_key=format, transition_val=FMT2

class kadi.commands.states.Format3_Transition[source]

Bases: FixedTransition

Transition to telemetry format 3

State keys: format

Commands: tlmsid=CSELFMT3

Others: transition_key=format, transition_val=FMT3

class kadi.commands.states.Format4_Transition[source]

Bases: FixedTransition

Transition to telemetry format 4

State keys: format

Commands: tlmsid=CSELFMT4

Others: transition_key=format, transition_val=FMT4

class kadi.commands.states.Format5_Transition[source]

Bases: FixedTransition

Transition to telemetry format 5

State keys: format

Commands: tlmsid=CSELFMT5

Others: transition_key=format, transition_val=FMT5

class kadi.commands.states.Format6_Transition[source]

Bases: FixedTransition

Transition to telemetry format 6

State keys: format

Commands: tlmsid=CSELFMT6

Others: transition_key=format, transition_val=FMT6

class kadi.commands.states.HETG_INSR_Transition[source]

Bases: MechMove

HETG insertion

State keys: letg, hetg, grating

Commands: tlmsid=4OHETGIN

Others: transition_key=[‘hetg’, ‘grating’], transition_val=[‘INSR’, ‘HETG’], move_duration=157.0 s

class kadi.commands.states.HETG_RETR_Transition[source]

Bases: MechMove

HETG retraction

State keys: letg, hetg, grating

Commands: tlmsid=4OHETGRE

Others: transition_key=[‘hetg’, ‘grating’], transition_val=[‘RETR’, ‘NONE’], move_duration=153.0 s

class kadi.commands.states.Hrc15vOff_Transition[source]

Bases: FixedTransition


State keys: hrc_15v

Commands: tlmsid=215PCAOF

Others: transition_key=hrc_15v, transition_val=OFF

class kadi.commands.states.Hrc15vOn_SCS134_Transition[source]

Bases: FixedTransition

HRC 15V ON from SCS-134

State keys: hrc_15v

Commands: tlmsid=COACTSX, coacts1=134

Others: transition_key=hrc_15v, transition_val=ON, default_value=ON

class kadi.commands.states.Hrc15vOn_Transition[source]

Bases: FixedTransition

HRC 15V ON from hardware 215PCAON command

State keys: hrc_15v

Commands: tlmsid=215PCAON

Others: transition_key=hrc_15v, transition_val=ON

class kadi.commands.states.Hrc24vOff_Transition[source]

Bases: FixedTransition


State keys: hrc_24v

Commands: tlmsid=224PCAOF

Others: transition_key=hrc_24v, transition_val=OFF

class kadi.commands.states.Hrc24vOn_Transition[source]

Bases: FixedTransition


State keys: hrc_24v

Commands: tlmsid=224PCAON

Others: transition_key=hrc_24v, transition_val=ON, default_value=ON

class kadi.commands.states.HrcIOff_Transition[source]

Bases: FixedTransition


State keys: hrc_i

Commands: tlmsid=2IMHVOF

Others: transition_key=hrc_i, transition_val=OFF, default_value=OFF

class kadi.commands.states.HrcIOn_Transition[source]

Bases: FixedTransition


State keys: hrc_i

Commands: tlmsid=COENASX, coenas1=89

Others: transition_key=hrc_i, transition_val=ON

class kadi.commands.states.HrcSOff_Transition[source]

Bases: FixedTransition


State keys: hrc_s

Commands: tlmsid=2SPHVOF

Others: transition_key=hrc_s, transition_val=OFF, default_value=OFF

class kadi.commands.states.HrcSOn_Transition[source]

Bases: FixedTransition


State keys: hrc_s

Commands: tlmsid=COENASX, coenas1=90

Others: transition_key=hrc_s, transition_val=ON

class kadi.commands.states.LETG_INSR_Transition[source]

Bases: MechMove

LETG insertion

State keys: letg, hetg, grating

Commands: tlmsid=4OLETGIN

Others: transition_key=[‘letg’, ‘grating’], transition_val=[‘INSR’, ‘LETG’], move_duration=203.0 s

class kadi.commands.states.LETG_RETR_Transition[source]

Bases: MechMove

LETG retraction

State keys: letg, hetg, grating

Commands: tlmsid=4OLETGRE

Others: transition_key=[‘letg’, ‘grating’], transition_val=[‘RETR’, ‘NONE’], move_duration=203.0 s

class kadi.commands.states.ManeuverSunPitchTransition[source]

Bases: ManeuverTransition

Like ManeuverTransition except perform a pure-pitch maneuver from attitude.

This does not change the PCAD mode.

State keys: q1, q2, q3, q4, targ_q1, targ_q2, targ_q3, targ_q4, ra, dec, roll, auto_npnt, pcad_mode, pitch, off_nom_roll

Commands: type=LOAD_EVENT, tlmsid=SUN_PITCH

Others: set_transitions=<classmethod(<function ManeuverSunPitchTransition.set_transitions at 0x7fe997c82ca0>)>, callback=<classmethod(<function ManeuverSunPitchTransition.callback at 0x7fe997c82d40>)>

classmethod callback(date, transitions, state, idx, *, pitch)[source]

Transition function callback to generate downstream transitions.

These perform the actual maneuver and (usually) transition to NPM at the end of maneuver.

class kadi.commands.states.ManeuverSunRaslTransition[source]

Bases: ManeuverTransition

Like ManeuverTransition except roll about the sun line.

This does not change the PCAD mode.

State keys: q1, q2, q3, q4, targ_q1, targ_q2, targ_q3, targ_q4, ra, dec, roll, auto_npnt, pcad_mode, pitch, off_nom_roll

Commands: type=LOAD_EVENT, tlmsid=SUN_RASL

Others: set_transitions=<classmethod(<function ManeuverSunRaslTransition.set_transitions at 0x7fe997c82de0>)>, callback=<classmethod(<function ManeuverSunRaslTransition.callback at 0x7fe997c82e80>)>

classmethod callback(date, transitions, state, idx, *, rasl)[source]

Transition function callback to generate downstream transitions.

These perform the actual maneuver and (usually) transition to NPM at the end of maneuver.

class kadi.commands.states.ManeuverTransition[source]

Bases: BaseTransition

Execute maneuver.

This is a relatively complex transition that computes the intermediate quaternion values for the maneuver and inserts downstream transitions to perform attitude quaternion updated accordingly. At the end of the maneuver it schedules a NPM transition if auto_npnt is enabled.

State keys: q1, q2, q3, q4, targ_q1, targ_q2, targ_q3, targ_q4, ra, dec, roll, auto_npnt, pcad_mode, pitch, off_nom_roll

Commands: tlmsid=AOMANUVR

Others: pcad_mode=NMAN, set_transitions=<classmethod(<function ManeuverTransition.set_transitions at 0x7fe997c82840>)>, callback=<classmethod(<function ManeuverTransition.callback at 0x7fe997c82a20>)>, add_manvr_transitions=<classmethod(<function ManeuverTransition.add_manvr_transitions at 0x7fe997c828e0>)>

classmethod add_manvr_transitions(date, transitions, state, idx)[source]

This does the main work of adding transitions for a maneuver.

It is called by the ManeuverTransition and NormalSunTransition classes.

classmethod callback(date, transitions, state, idx)[source]

Transition function callback to generate downstream transitions.

These perform the actual maneuver and (usually) transition to NPM at the end of maneuver.

class kadi.commands.states.MechMove[source]

Bases: FixedTransition

Transitions for mech moves that have non-zero duration.

This adds two transitions per matched command: - First one at cmd time with the transition value with _MOVE appended - Second one at cmd time + move_duration with the straight transition value

This inherits from FixedTransition for the case of an attribute that gets set to a fixed value when the command occurs, e.g. pcad_mode=’NMAN’ for AONMMODE.

Class attributes:

  • transition_key – single transition key or list of transition keys

  • transition_val – single transition value or list of values

  • move_duration – duration of the move (astropy time Quantity)

  • apply_move_duration – if True, apply the move duration to states

classmethod set_transitions(transitions_list: list[Transition], cmds, start, stop)[source]

Set transitions for a Table of commands cmds.


list of transitions (updated in-place)


commands (CmdList)


start time for states


stop time for states

class kadi.commands.states.NMM_Transition[source]

Bases: FixedTransition

Transition to Normal Maneuver Mode

State keys: q1, q2, q3, q4, targ_q1, targ_q2, targ_q3, targ_q4, ra, dec, roll, auto_npnt, pcad_mode, pitch, off_nom_roll

Commands: tlmsid=AONMMODE

Others: transition_key=pcad_mode, transition_val=NMAN

class kadi.commands.states.NPM_Transition[source]

Bases: FixedTransition

Transition to Normal Point Mode

State keys: q1, q2, q3, q4, targ_q1, targ_q2, targ_q3, targ_q4, ra, dec, roll, auto_npnt, pcad_mode, pitch, off_nom_roll

Commands: tlmsid=AONPMODE

Others: transition_key=pcad_mode, transition_val=NPNT

exception kadi.commands.states.NoTransitionsError[source]

Bases: ValueError

No transitions found within commands

class kadi.commands.states.NormalSunTransition[source]

Bases: ManeuverTransition

Same as ManeuverTransition except perform maneuver to NSM.

This uses ska_sun.get_nsm_attitude() to get the NSM attitude, potentially at an offset pitch like 160 degrees. It also changes pcad_mode to NSUN.

State keys: q1, q2, q3, q4, targ_q1, targ_q2, targ_q3, targ_q4, ra, dec, roll, auto_npnt, pcad_mode, pitch, off_nom_roll

Commands: tlmsid=AONSMSAF

Others: pcad_mode=NSUN, set_transitions=<classmethod(<function NormalSunTransition.set_transitions at 0x7fe997c82980>)>, callback=<classmethod(<function NormalSunTransition.callback at 0x7fe997c82ac0>)>

classmethod callback(date, transitions, state, idx, *, pitch)[source]

This is a transition function callback.

It sets the state pcad_mode to cls.pcad_mode and target quaternion to the expected sun pointed attitude. It then calls the parent method to add the actual maneuver.

class kadi.commands.states.ObsidTransition[source]

Bases: ParamTransition

Obsid update

State keys: obsid

Commands: type=MP_OBSID

Others: transition_key=obsid, cmd_param_key=id

class kadi.commands.states.OrbitPointTransition[source]

Bases: ParamTransition

Orbit point state based on backstop ephemeris entries

State keys: orbit_point

Commands: type=ORBPOINT

Others: transition_key=orbit_point, cmd_param_key=event_type

class kadi.commands.states.ParamTransition[source]

Bases: BaseTransition

Transitions for case of attribute that gets set to value defined by cmd param.

E.g. obsid = ID parameter of COBRQID command.

Class attributes:

  • transition_key – single transition key or list of transition keys

  • cmd_param_key – command parameter name (str or list of str)

classmethod set_transitions(transitions_list: list[Transition], cmds, start, stop)[source]

Set transitions for a Table of commands cmds.


list of transitions (updated in-place)


commands (CmdList)


start time for states


stop time for states

class kadi.commands.states.RadmonDisableTransition[source]

Bases: FixedTransition

RADMON disable

State keys: radmon

Commands: tlmsid=OORMPDS

Others: transition_key=radmon, transition_val=DISA

class kadi.commands.states.RadmonEnableTransition[source]

Bases: FixedTransition

RADMON enable

State keys: radmon

Commands: tlmsid=OORMPEN

Others: transition_key=radmon, transition_val=ENAB

class kadi.commands.states.SCS84DisableTransition[source]

Bases: FixedTransition

SCS-84 disable

State keys: scs84

Commands: tlmsid=CODISASX, codisas1=84

Others: transition_key=scs84, transition_val=DISA

class kadi.commands.states.SCS84EnableTransition[source]

Bases: FixedTransition

SCS-84 enable

State keys: scs84

Commands: tlmsid=COENASX, coenas1=84

Others: transition_key=scs84, transition_val=ENAB, default_value=DISA

class kadi.commands.states.SCS98DisableTransition[source]

Bases: FixedTransition

SCS-98 disable

State keys: scs98

Commands: tlmsid=CODISASX, codisas1=98

Others: transition_key=scs98, transition_val=DISA

class kadi.commands.states.SCS98EnableTransition[source]

Bases: FixedTransition

SCS-98 enable

State keys: scs98

Commands: tlmsid=COENASX, coenas1=98

Others: transition_key=scs98, transition_val=ENAB

class kadi.commands.states.SPMDisableTransition[source]

Bases: FixedTransition

Sun position monitor disable

State keys: sun_pos_mon, battery_connect, eclipse_enable_spm

Commands: tlmsid=AOFUNCDS, aopcadsd=30

Others: transition_key=sun_pos_mon, transition_val=DISA

class kadi.commands.states.SPMEclipseEnableTransition[source]

Bases: BaseTransition

Automatic enable of sun position monitor.

This occurs 11 minutes after eclipse exit, but only if the battery-connect command occurs within 135 seconds of eclipse entry.

Connect batteries is an event type COMMAND_SW and TLMSID= EOESTECN Eclipse entry is event type ORBPOINT with TYPE=PENTRY or TYPE=LSPENTRY Eclipse exit is event type ORBPOINT with TYPE=PEXIT or TYPE=LSPEXIT

State keys: sun_pos_mon, battery_connect, eclipse_enable_spm

Commands: type=ORBPOINT, event_type=PEXIT or LSPEXIT

Others: default_value=False, set_transitions=<classmethod(<function SPMEclipseEnableTransition.set_transitions at 0x7fe997c82340>)>, callback=<classmethod(<function SPMEclipseEnableTransition.callback at 0x7fe997c823e0>)>

classmethod set_transitions(transitions_list: list[Transition], cmds, start, stop)[source]

Set transitions for a Table of commands cmds.


list of transitions (updated in-place)


commands (CmdList)


start time for states


stop time for states

class kadi.commands.states.SPMEnableTransition[source]

Bases: FixedTransition

Sun position monitor enable

State keys: sun_pos_mon, battery_connect, eclipse_enable_spm

Commands: tlmsid=AOFUNCEN, aopcadse=30

Others: transition_key=sun_pos_mon, transition_val=ENAB

class kadi.commands.states.SafeSunTransition[source]

Bases: NormalSunTransition

Similar to NormalSunTransition but in Safe Sun Mode with pcad_mode = STBY.

This uses ska_sun.get_nsm_attitude() to get the NSM attitude, potentially at an offset pitch like 160 degrees. It also changes pcad_mode to STBY.

State keys: q1, q2, q3, q4, targ_q1, targ_q2, targ_q3, targ_q4, ra, dec, roll, auto_npnt, pcad_mode, pitch, off_nom_roll

Commands: tlmsid=ACPCSFSU

Others: pcad_mode=STBY

class kadi.commands.states.SimFocusTransition[source]

Bases: ParamTransition

SIM focus assembly translation

State keys: simfa_pos

Commands: type=SIMFOCUS

Others: transition_key=simfa_pos, cmd_param_key=pos

class kadi.commands.states.SimTscTransition[source]

Bases: ParamTransition

SIM translating science compartment translation

State keys: simpos

Commands: type=SIMTRANS

Others: transition_key=simpos, cmd_param_key=pos

class kadi.commands.states.StateDict(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: dict

Dict for state key/val pairs.

When a key value is set the key is stored in the trans_keys attribute.


Copy without trans_keys

class kadi.commands.states.SubFormatEPS_Transition[source]

Bases: FixedTransition

Transition to telemetry EPS subformat

State keys: subformat

Commands: tlmsid=OFMTSEPS

Others: transition_key=subformat, transition_val=EPS

class kadi.commands.states.SubFormatNRM_Transition[source]

Bases: FixedTransition

Transition to telemetry NRM subformat

State keys: subformat

Commands: tlmsid=OFMTSNRM

Others: transition_key=subformat, transition_val=NORM

class kadi.commands.states.SubFormatPDG_Transition[source]

Bases: FixedTransition

Transition to telemetry PDG subformat

State keys: subformat

Commands: tlmsid=OFMTSPDG

Others: transition_key=subformat, transition_val=PDG

class kadi.commands.states.SubFormatSSR_Transition[source]

Bases: FixedTransition

Transition to telemetry SSR subformat

State keys: subformat

Commands: tlmsid=OFMTSSSR

Others: transition_key=subformat, transition_val=SSR

class kadi.commands.states.SunVectorTransition[source]

Bases: BaseTransition

Add transitions between start/stop every 10 ksec.

This is to sample the pitch and off_nominal roll during NPNT. These are function transitions which check to see that pcad_mode == 'NPNT' before changing the pitch / off_nominal_roll.

State keys: q1, q2, q3, q4, targ_q1, targ_q2, targ_q3, targ_q4, ra, dec, roll, auto_npnt, pcad_mode, pitch, off_nom_roll

Others: set_transitions=<classmethod(<function SunVectorTransition.set_transitions at 0x7fe997c82020>)>, update_sun_vector_state=<classmethod(<function SunVectorTransition.update_sun_vector_state at 0x7fe997c82700>)>

classmethod set_transitions(transitions_list: list[Transition], cmds, start, stop)[source]

Set transitions for a Table of commands cmds.


list of transitions (updated in-place)


commands (CmdList)


start time for states


stop time for states

classmethod update_sun_vector_state(date, transitions, state, idx)[source]

Transition callback method for pitch / off_nom_roll states.

This will potentially update the pitch and off_nom_roll states if pcad_mode is NPNT.


date (str)


global list of transitions


current state (dict)


current index into transitions

class kadi.commands.states.TargQuatTransition[source]

Bases: BaseTransition

Commanded target quaternion

State keys: q1, q2, q3, q4, targ_q1, targ_q2, targ_q3, targ_q4, ra, dec, roll, auto_npnt, pcad_mode, pitch, off_nom_roll

Commands: type=MP_TARGQUAT

Others: set_transitions=<classmethod(<function TargQuatTransition.set_transitions at 0x7fe997c827a0>)>

classmethod set_transitions(transitions_list: list[Transition], cmds, start, stop)[source]

Set transitions for a Table of commands cmds.


list of transitions (updated in-place)


commands (CmdList)


start time for states


stop time for states

class kadi.commands.states.TransKeysSet[source]

Bases: set

Like set() but with more compact str output for table printing

class kadi.commands.states.Transition(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: dict

Dict of transitions at a given date.

This is a dict of {state_key: state_val} where state_val is either a value or a TransitionCallback object.

When creating a TransitionCallback object, you can optionally supply two additional positional arguments: the date (str) and the constraint (function).

The constraint function must take a single argument, the state dict, and return True if the transition is allowed and False otherwise. For example:

def constraint(state):
      return state["pcad_mode"] == "NMAN"

transition = Transition("2010:001:00:00:00", constraint=constraint)
class kadi.commands.states.TransitionCallback(callback: callable, kwargs: dict = <factory>)[source]

Bases: object

Callback function for a transition.

This is used to store the callback function and any additional keyword arguments.

kadi.commands.states.add_transition(transitions: list[Transition], idx: int, transition: Transition)[source]

Add transition to the transitions list.

This is done at the first appropriate place after the idx entry.

This is typically used by dynamic transitions that are actually calling a function to generate downstream transitions. The ManeuverTransition class is the canonical example.


global list of transition dicts


current index into transitions in state processing


transition to add (dict)


Decode number of chips and feps from a ACIS power command.

Return a dictionary with the number of chips and their identifiers


>>> decode_power("WSPOW08F3E")
{'ccd_count': 5,
'ccds': 'I0 I1 I2 I3 S3 ',
'clocking': 0,
'fep_count': 5,
'feps': '1 2 3 4 5 ',
'vid_board': 1}

power command string


Temporarily disable the grating move duration


Command line interface to output commanded states over a date range.

The output is in tabular form to stdout or a file.

kadi.commands.states.get_continuity(date=None, state_keys=None, lookbacks=(7, 30, 180, 1000), scenario=None)[source]

Get the state and transition dates at date for state_keys.

This function finds the state at a particular date by fetching commands prior to that date and determine the states. It returns dictionary continuity provides the state values. Included in this dict is a special key __dates__ which provides the corresponding date at which the state-changing command occurred.

Since some state keys like pitch change often (many times per day) while others like letg may not change for weeks, this function does dynamic lookbacks from date to find transitions for each key. By default it will try looking back 7 days, then 30 days, then 180 days, and finally 1000 days. This lookback sequence can be controlled with the lookbacks argument.

If state_keys is None then the default keys states.DEFAULT_STATE_KEYS is used. This corresponds to the “classic” Chandra commanded states (obsid, ACIS, PCAD, and mechanisms).


date (DateTime compatible, default=NOW)


list of state keys or str (one state key) or None


list of lookback times in days (default=[7, 30, 180, 1000])


commands archive scenario (default=None)

dict of state values
kadi.commands.states.get_states(start=None, stop=None, state_keys=None, cmds=None, continuity=None, reduce=True, merge_identical=False, scenario=None) Table[source]

Get table of states for intervals when state_keys params are unchanged.

If state_keys is None then the default keys states.DEFAULT_STATE_KEYS is used. This corresponds to the “classic” Chandra commanded states (obsid, ACIS, PCAD, and mechanisms). One can also provide a single state key as a a string, e.g. state_keys='obsid'.

If the cmds argument is not provided then the start and stop are used to fetch the commands internally. If the stop date is not provided then all known commands (including future commands from approved loads) will be included.

The output table will contain columns for state_keys along with datestart and datestop columns. By default the reduce_states function is called (with the supplied value of merge_identical) in order to reduce down to the specified state_keys.

If reduce is False then reduce_states is not called and output table may include additional columns for related states. For instance in order to compute the attitude quaternion state q1 it is necessary to collect a number of other states such as pcad_mode and target quaternions targ_q1 through targ_q4. One can call the reduce_states() function separately to reduce to only the desired state keys.


start of states (optional, DateTime compatible)


stop of states (optional, DateTime compatible)


state keys of interest (optional, list or str or None)


input commands (optional, CmdList, CommandTable)


initial state (optional, dict)


call reduce_states() on output


merge identical states (see reduce_states() docs)


commands archive scenario to use

astropy Table of states

Get BaseTransition subclasses in module for state_keys.

kadi.commands.states.get_transitions_list(cmds, state_keys, start, stop, continuity=None) list[Transition][source]

Get transitions for given set of cmds and state_keys.

A transition here defines a state transition. It is a dict with a date key (date of transition) and key/value pairs corresponding to the state keys that change.

If state_keys is None then all known state keys are included.


CmdList with spacecraft commands


desired state keys (None, str, or list)

list of dict (transitions), set of transition classes
kadi.commands.states.interpolate_states(states, times)[source]

Interpolate states table at given times.


states (astropy states Table)


times (np.array or any DateTime compatible input)

states view at times

Sort transition classes into a data structure keyed by state_keys

kadi.commands.states.reduce_states(states, state_keys, merge_identical=False, all_keys=False) Table[source]

Reduce input states so only transitions in state_keys are in output.

By default this also reduces the states table to only include columns for those state_keys, but if the all_keys argument is True then all columns are included in the output.

By default, the output table will reflect every state transition generated by commands even if this does not change the state value. This allows uniquely identifying the time of such commanding related to a state value. A common example of transition commanding that does not change state is the pair of ACIS stop science commands, where the second is redundant.

However, if merge_identical is True then adacent states with identical values will be merged.


table of states


notice transitions in this list of state keys


merge adjacent identical states


if True, then all state keys are included in the output

Table of reduced states