Validation API


Validate kadi command states against telemetry.

This is a set of classes that validate the kadi command states against Chandra telemetry. The classes are designed to be run either standalone or from the command-line application kadi_validate_states (defined in kadi.scripts.validate_states).

class kadi.commands.validate.PlotAttrs(title: str, ylabel: str, range: list | None = None, max_delta_time: float | None = None, max_delta_val: float = 0, max_gap_time: float = 300)[source]

Plot attributes for a Validate subclass.


Plot title.


Y-axis label.

rangelist, optional

Y-axis range.

max_delta_timefloat, optional

Maximum time delta before a new data point is plotted.

max_delta_valfloat, default 0

Maximum value delta before a new data point is plotted.

max_gap_timefloat, default 300

Maximum gap in time before a plot gap is inserted.

class kadi.commands.validate.Validate(stop=None, days: float = 14, no_exclude: bool = False)[source]

Validate kadi command states against telemetry base class.

Class attributes are as follows:


Name of state to validate.


Stop time.


Number of days to validate.

state_keys_extralist, optional

Extra state keys needed for validation.


Attributes for plot.


MSIDs to fetch for telemetry.


Maximum value delta to signal a violation.


Maximum gap in telemetry before breaking an interval (sec).


Minimum duration of a violation (sec).


stop time for validation


number of days for validation


if True then do not exclude any data (for testing)

add_exclude_interval(start: CxoTime | str | float | int | ndarray | _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | complex | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes] | None, stop: CxoTime | str | float | int | ndarray | _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | complex | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes] | None, comment: str, pad_start: Quantity | None = None, pad_stop: Quantity | None = None, source: str = 'Auto-generated')[source]

Add an interval to the exclude_intervals table

The start / stop times are padded by pad_start and pad_stop (which are a Quantity objects with time units).

manual is a boolean that is used to indicate whether the interval was manually specified in the command sheet. Non-manual intervals are annotated in the table accordingly.


Base method to exclude intervals, starting with intervals defined in the Chandra Command Events Google Sheet.

This method gets called at the end of self.tlm.

Subclasses can override this method to add additional intervals to exclude, making sure to call super().add_exclude_intervals() first.

property exclude_intervals

Intervals that are excluded from state validation.

This includes manually excluded times from the Command Events sheet (e.g. within a few minutes of an IU-reset), or auto-generated state-specific intervals like not validating pitch when in NMM.

exclude_ofp_intervals_except(states_expected: List[str])[source]

Exclude intervals where OFP (on-board flight program) is not in the expected state.

This includes a padding of 30 minutes after SAFE mode and 5 minutes for non-NRML states other than SAFE like STUP, SYON, SYSF etc.


Check for SRDC’s and exclude them from validation.

get_context() dict[source]

Get the standard context for a jinja2 template.

get_html(context: dict | None = None, template_text: str | None = None) str[source]

Get HTML for validator including section header, violations, and plot


optional dict of context for jinja2 template


optional Jinja2 template text


HTML string

get_violations() Table[source]

Get the violations mask for this validation class

This is the main method for each validation class. It returns a Table with the columns start and stop which are date strings.

get_violations_mask() ndarray[source]

Get the violations mask for this validation class

This is the default implementation for most validation classes which just checks that the telemetry value is within max_delta_val of the state value.

property msid

Validate classes have first MSID as primary telemetry. Override as needed.

property states_at_times

Get the states that correspond to the telemetry times

property tlm_vals

Get the reference telemetry value for this Validation subclass

That means the quantity derived from telemetry that gets compared to the states that come from kadi commands. This might be a single MSID (e.g. for pitch) or it might be something more complicated (e.g. for pointing which comes from 3 quaternion components).

class kadi.commands.validate.ValidateDither(stop=None, days: float = 14, no_exclude: bool = False)[source]

Base method to exclude intervals, starting with intervals defined in the Chandra Command Events Google Sheet.

This method gets called at the end of self.tlm.

Subclasses can override this method to add additional intervals to exclude, making sure to call super().add_exclude_intervals() first.

class kadi.commands.validate.ValidateHETG(stop=None, days: float = 14, no_exclude: bool = False)[source]
class kadi.commands.validate.ValidateLETG(stop=None, days: float = 14, no_exclude: bool = False)[source]
class kadi.commands.validate.ValidateObsid(stop=None, days: float = 14, no_exclude: bool = False)[source]
class kadi.commands.validate.ValidatePcadMode(stop=None, days: float = 14, no_exclude: bool = False)[source]

Base method to exclude intervals, starting with intervals defined in the Chandra Command Events Google Sheet.

This method gets called at the end of self.tlm.

Subclasses can override this method to add additional intervals to exclude, making sure to call super().add_exclude_intervals() first.

class kadi.commands.validate.ValidatePitch(stop=None, days: float = 14, no_exclude: bool = False)[source]
class kadi.commands.validate.ValidateRoll(stop=None, days: float = 14, no_exclude: bool = False)[source]
class kadi.commands.validate.ValidateSimpos(stop=None, days: float = 14, no_exclude: bool = False)[source]