
Setup for Xija modeling

When you first start working with Xija create a local copy of the Xija source code:

% mkdir -p ~/git  # OR WHEREVER, but ~/git is easiest!
% cd ~/git
% git clone git://github.com/sot/xija.git  # on HEAD
% git clone /proj/sot/ska/git/xija         # on GRETA
% cd xija
% setenv XIJA $PWD
% python setup.py build_ext --inplace  # build C core module

Later on you should work in your xija repository and update to the latest development version of Xija:

% cd ~/git/xija
% git pull   # Update with latest dev version of xija
% python setup.py build_ext --inplace  # build C core module

Finally set the PYTHONPATH environment variable to ensure that you import your local version of xija from any sub-directory where you might be working:


Creating and understanding models

The example models show here are available in the examples/doc/ directory of the Xija git repository.

Each model component is handled by a separate Python class. Some currently implemented examples include:

  • ModelComponent : model component base class (name, parameter methods)

  • Node : single node with a temperature, sigma, data_quantization, etc

  • Coupling : Couple two nodes together (one-way coupling)

  • HeatSink : Fixed temperature external heat bath

  • SolarHeat : Solar heating (pitch dependent)

  • EarthHeat : Earth heating of ACIS cold radiator (attitude, ephem dependent)

  • PropHeater : Proportional heater (P = k * (T - T_set) for T > T_set)

  • ThermostatHeater : Thermostat heater (with configurable deadband)

  • AcisDpaStatePower : Heating from ACIS electronics (ACIS config dependent CCDs, FEPs etc)

Example 1: simplest model

Start with the simplest example with a single node with solar heating. We use only two bin points at 45 and 180 degrees.

model = xija.XijaModel(name, start='2015:001', stop='2015:050')

model.add(xija.Node, 'aacccdpt')



          P_pitches=[45, 180],
          Ps=[0.0, 0.0],

To make and run the model do:

% cd $XIJA/examples/doc
% python example1.py
% ../../gui_fit.py example1.json --autoscale

Points for discussion:

  • What is fundamentally wrong with this model?

Example 2: add a heat sink

Same as example 1, but add a heat sink with a temperature of -16 C and a tau of 30 ksec.


To make and run the model do:

% cd $XIJA/examples/doc
% python example2.py
% ../../gui_fit.py example2.json --autoscale

Points for discussion:

  • Twiddle each fittable parameter and observe the response.

  • Use a longer interval ./gui_fit.py example2.json –autoscale –stop=2015:240 –days=400 for dP and solar amplitude.

  • Discuss epoch: ./gui_fit.py example2.json –autoscale –stop=2015:240 –days=400 –keep-epoch. It is important to verify that SolarHeat epoch is explicitly in JSON file in order to have auto-epoch updating. This should be an "epoch" field in the "init_kwargs" element of SolarHeat components. (Note: SolarHeatOffNomRoll is a bit different and does not have an epoch).

Example 3: add pitch bins

Same as example 2, but now the SolarHeat component has 6 pitch bins:

          [45, 70, 90, 115, 140, 180],
          [0.0] * 6,

To make and run the model do:

% cd $XIJA/examples/doc
% python example2.py
% ../../gui_fit.py example3.json --stop=2015:240 --days=400

Points for discussion:

  • Why no --autoscale?

  • Fit the model

    • Naive try.

    • Set heat sink time scale

  • Managing degenerate model parameters (heatsink T, solarheat bias, solarheat P values).

  • But note: eclipse data breaks degeneracy. This can be used for short-timescale components.

  • Save the best fit as example3_fit.json

Working with a model

As an example, here is the code (available in examples/dpa/plot_dpa_resid.py) to plot residuals versus temperature for the ACIS DPA model. You can run this with cd examples/dpa; python plot_dpa_resid.py.

import xija
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from Ska.Matplotlib import pointpair

start = '2010:001'
stop = '2011:345'

msid = '1dpamzt'
model_spec = 'dpa.json'

model = xija.XijaModel('dpa', start=start, stop=stop,

dpa = model.get_comp(msid)
resid = dpa.dvals - dpa.mvals

xscatter = np.random.uniform(-0.2, 0.2, size=len(dpa.dvals))
yscatter = np.random.uniform(-0.2, 0.2, size=len(dpa.dvals))
plt.plot(dpa.dvals + xscatter, resid + yscatter, '.', ms=1.0, alpha=1)
plt.xlabel('{} telemetry (degC)'.format(msid.upper()))
plt.ylabel('Data - Model (degC)')
plt.title('Residual vs. Data ({} - {})'.format(start, stop))

bins = np.arange(6, 26.1, 2.0)
r1 = []
r99 = []
ns = []
xs = []
for x0, x1 in zip(bins[:-1], bins[1:]):
    ok = (dpa.dvals >= x0) & (dpa.dvals < x1)
    val1, val99 = np.percentile(resid[ok], [1, 99])
    xs.append((x0 + x1) / 2)

xspp = pointpair(bins[:-1], bins[1:])
r1pp = pointpair(r1)
r99pp = pointpair(r99)

plt.plot(xspp, r1pp, '-r')
plt.plot(xspp, r99pp, '-r', label='1% and 99% limits')
plt.ylim(-8, 14)
plt.xlim(5, 31)

plt.plot([5, 31], [3.5, 3.5], 'g--', alpha=1, label='+/- 3.5 degC')
plt.plot([5, 31], [-3.5, -3.5], 'g--', alpha=1)
for x, n, y in zip(xs, ns, r99):
    plt.text(x, max(y + 1, 5), 'N={}'.format(n),
         rotation='vertical', va='bottom', ha='center')

plt.legend(loc='upper right')

plt.savefig('dpa_resid_{}_{}.png'.format(start, stop))


ThermalModel is a synonym for XijaModel available for back-compatibility, but new code should use XijaModel.

Modifying an existing model

Much of the time the best way to create a new model is to start from an existing model. There are a few strategies for doing this:

  • Extend an existing model at the Python API level

  • Create a new model in Python and inherit existing model parameters

  • Directly edit the model JSON specification

  • Convert the model spec to Python and edit the Python

Extend an existing model

If you have an existing model (e.g. pcm03t from the previous examples) and want to extend it by adding a model component, the technique is to read in the model, add the component, make the model, and then write out the new model. This is illustrated in the Xija extend model notebook.

Inherit from an existing model

This option provides a way to use some of the existing (calibrated) components from an existing model. In particular if you want to remove a component this is one way to do it. This is illustrated in the Xija inherit IPython notebook.

Edit the model specification

Xija models are stored in a file format called JSON. This captures the model definition, model parameters, and also everything about the GUI fit application (screen size, plots, frozen / thawed parameters) when the model was saved.

Although it requires a bit of care, sometimes the easiest way to produce a derived model is by directly editing the JSON model specification.

Convert model spec back to Python

A very good way to modify an existing model spec is to write it back out as Python code. This can be done in three ways:

  • Within gui_fit.py save the model with a name ending in .py

  • Within a Python session or script use the write() method of a Xija model:

    model = xija.XijaModel('mdl', model_spec='mdl.json')
  • From the command line use the xija.convert module:

    % python -m xija.convert --help
    % python -m xija.convert mdl.json

Fitting a model

So far we have been manually working with a Xija model to understand a bit of what is going on underneath and know how to make performance predictions. However, the key task of actually calibrating the model parameters is done with the gui_fit.py application.

GUI fit overview

The image below shows an example of fitting the ACIS DPA model with gui_fit.py.


Live demo using a Ska window:

cd $XIJA/examples/pcm
../../gui_fit.py pcm.json --stop 2012:095 --days 30

Command line options

The GUI fit tool supports the following command line options:

% ./gui_fit.py --help
usage: gui_fit.py [-h] [--days DAYS] [--stop STOP] [--nproc NPROC]
                  [--fit-method FIT_METHOD] [--inherit-from INHERIT_FROM]
                  [--set-data SET_DATA_EXPRS] [--quiet] [--keep-epoch]

positional arguments:
  filename              Model file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --days DAYS           Number of days in fit interval (default=90
  --stop STOP           Stop time of fit interval (default=model values)
  --nproc NPROC         Number of processors (default=1)
  --fit-method FIT_METHOD
                        Sherpa fit method (simplex|moncar|levmar)
  --inherit-from INHERIT_FROM
                        Inherit par values from model spec file
  --set-data SET_DATA_EXPRS
                        Set data value as '<comp_name>=<value>'
  --quiet               Suppress screen output
  --keep-epoch          Maintain epoch in SolarHeat models (default=recenter
                        on fit interval)

Most of the time you should use the --days and --stop options. Note that if you have saved a model specification and then restart gui_fit.py, the most recently specified values will be used by default.


This option has not been tested recently though it might work.


The default fit method is simplex which is a good compromise between speed and completeness. For the fastest fitting use levmar. If already have somewhat decent parameters and want to try to refine for the very best fit then select moncar. However, do not choose this option with more than about 10 or 15 free parameters as it can take a long time. Typically with moncar you need to start the fitting and then do something else for a while (many hours or more).


This provides a way to construct a model which is similar to an existing model but has some differences. All the model parameters which are exactly the same will be taking from the inherited model specification.

Assuming you have created a model specification file my_model_spec.json then a typical calling sequence from the Xija source directory is:

./gui_fit.py --stop 2012:002 --days 180 my_model_spec.json

Manipulating plots

Many model components have built-in plots that can be added to the fit window via the Add plots... drop down menu. The available plot names correspond to the model component followed by a description of the plot. Plots can be deleted by pressing the corresponding Delete button.

One handy feature is that the time-based plots are always linked in the time axis so that if you zoom in to one then all plots zoom accordingly. When you want to go back to the full view you can use the Home button on the plot where you originally zoomed.

Manipulating parameters

One of the key features of the GUI fit tool is the ability to visualize and manipulate the dozens of parameters in a typical Xija model.

The parameters are on the right side panel. Each one has a checkbox that indicates whether it will be fit (checked) or not (unchecked). The value is shown, then the minimum allowed fit value, a slider bar to select the value, and then the maximum allowed fit value. As you change the slider the model will be recalculated and the plots updated. It helps to make the GUI fit window as wide as possible to make the sliders longer.

If you want to change the min or max values just type in the box and then hit enter. (If you don’t hit enter the new value won’t apply).

You can freeze or thaw many parameters at once using the “glob” syntax in the entry box at the top of the fit window. Examples:

thaw *                 # thaw all parameters
freeze solarheat*      # freeze all the solarheat params
freeze solarheat*_dP_* # freeze the long-term solarheat variation params

Fit strategy

Fitting Xija models is a bit of an art and will it take some time to develop skill here. A few rules of thumb and tips:

  • Start with all long-term variations frozen. You want to begin with a single time span that is about a year long and ends near the present. The more parameters in the model that get fit, the more data you need. Start by try to get the model in the right ballpark. Typically this means:

    Freeze?   Parameters         Initial values
    -------   ------------------ ----------------------
    freeze    solarheat_*_dP_*        0
    freeze    solarheat_*_tau       365
    freeze    solarheat_*_ampl        0
    freeze    heatsink_T          ~10 deg below typical
    thaw      solarheat_*_P_*         0
    thaw      heatsink_tau        Typical time scale
    thaw      coupling_*             30
  • Almost always have the solarheat_*_bias terms frozen at 0. This parameter is degenerate with the solarheat_*_P_* values and is used for certain diagnostics.

  • Once you have a model that fits reasonably well over the one year period then freeze all parameters except for solarheat_*_dP_* and solarheat_*_ampl parameters. Fit over a 2-3 year time period which ends at the present time.

  • Next you might want to refine the solarheat_*_P_* parameters at this point by thawing those ones and freezing the long-term parameters and fitting. Remember that if the time span is not long enough then P and dP are degenerate and the fit may not converge.

  • It can be useful to include long normal-sun dwells in the fitting to have some high-temperature data in the fit dataset.

  • Remember to save your model fit when you get a good fit. It is not saved by default and there is currently no warning to this effect. Often there is a progression of model fits and it may be useful to incrementally number the models, e.g. pcm03t_1.json, pcm03t_2.json, etc. By convention the final “flight” models that get configured are called <modelname>_model_spec.json, so avoid using this name during development.

  • Saving also saves the state of plots and your parameters.

Bad Times

If there are one or more intervals of time where the data are effectively bad for fitting (i.e. the thermal model is not expected to predict accurately due to off-nominal spacecraft configuration), then one can add a bad_times tag to the JSON model file. This would like:

    "bad_times": [
    "comps": [
            "class_name": "Mask",
            "init_args": [
            "init_kwargs": {},
            "name": "mask__1dpamzt_gt"


The exercise for both teams will be to first get familiar with the GUI fit tool by playing with an existing calibrated model. Do one of the following:

% cp ~aldcroft/git/xija/examples/dpa/dpa.json ./          # ACIS
% cp ~aldcroft/git/xija/examples/minusz/minusz.json ./    # Spacecraft

You will run gui_fit.py specifying the stop time as 2012:095 and the number of days to fit as 90.

Then do the following:

  • Explore the different available plots.

  • Try moving various sliders and see how it affects the model.

  • Try fitting various parameter sets using both the check boxes and the glob tool to freeze and thaw.


Goal: Make a model for 1DEAMZT that is analogous to the 1DPAMZT model.

Choose the best way to derive a DEA model from the DPA model.

Team Spacecraft

Goal: Make a working model for PCM03T.

The first step will be to calibrate the PCM03T model that we have created which uses TCYLAFT6 and TCYLFMZM as known inputs. The second step will be to integrate the PCM03T model into the MinusZ model.

% cp ~aldcroft/git/xija/examples/pcm/pcm.json ./ # Spacecraft