
Skare3-tools configuration.

The configuration is automatically set with default values which specify the location of the skare3 repository, the different conda channels used, the Github organizations who own the packages, and the directory where to store cached data. This happens the first time this module is imported.

Normally, a user does not need to do anything except to add an environment variable with the standard password to conda channels called CONDA_PASSWORD.

The configuration is saved in JSON format, in the location:

  • specified by the SKARE3_TOOLS_DATA environmental variable,

  • or in the directory $SKA/data/skare3/skare3_data

  • or:

    • Linux/Mac OS: ~/.skare3

    • windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%skare3

The default looks like this:

  "config_version": 1,
  "repository": "",
  "conda_channels": {
    "masters": [
    "main": [
    "dull": [
    "test": [
  "organizations": [
  "data_dir": ""

Cache Directory

The cached data is stored in the same directory as the configuration, unless otherwise specified in the configuration itself (i.e.: one can have the config in ~/.skare3 and set ‘data_dir’ in this configuration to some other directory).

Conda Channels

Conda channels are specified as a dictionary, with identifying strings as keys, and list of URL strings as values:

  "conda_channels": {
    "masters": [
    "main": [