Source code for

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""Utilities to run subprocesses"""

import re
import os
import sys
import signal
import platform
import subprocess

[docs]class ShellError(Exception): pass
# Give pexpect.spawn a new convenience method that sends a line and expects the prompt def _sendline_expect_func(prompt, n_skip=1): """Returns a convenience method to monkey-patch into pexpect.spawn.""" def sendline_expect(self, cmd, quiet=False): """Send a command and expect the given prompt. Return the 'before' part""" if quiet: logfile_read = self.logfile_read self.logfile_read = None self.sendline(cmd) self.expect(prompt) if self.expect(prompt) if quiet: self.logfile_read = logfile_read return self.before.splitlines()[n_skip:] return sendline_expect # See skare/ for the Template code that can do interpolation of all # shell ${var} variables for debug def _fix_paths(envs, pathvars=('PATH', 'PERLLIB', 'PERL5LIB', 'PYTHONPATH', 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH', 'MANPATH', 'INFOPATH')): """For the specified env vars that represent a search path, make sure that the paths are unique. This allows the environment setting script to be lazy and not worry about it. This routine gives the right-most path precedence and modifies C{envs} in place. :param envs: Dict of environment vars :param pathvars: List of path vars that will be fixed :rtype: None (envs is modified in-place) """ # Process env vars that are contained in the PATH_ENVS set for key in set(envs.keys()) & set(pathvars): path_ins = envs[key].split(':') pathset = set() path_outs = [] # Working from right to left add each path that hasn't been included yet. for path in reversed(path_ins): if path not in pathset: pathset.add(path) path_outs.append(path) envs[key] = ':'.join(reversed(path_outs)) def _parse_keyvals(keyvals): """Parse the key=val pairs from the newline-separated string. :param keyvals: Newline-separated string with key=val pairs :rtype: Dict of key=val pairs. """ re_keyval = re.compile(r'([\w_]+) \s* = \s* (.*)', re.VERBOSE) keyvalout = {} for keyval in keyvals: m = re.match(re_keyval, keyval.rstrip()) if m: key, val = m.groups() keyvalout[key] = val return keyvalout def _setup_bash_shell(logfile): # Import pexpect here so that this the other (Spawn) part of this module # doesn't depend on pexpect (which is not in the std library) import pexpect prompt1 = r'Bash-\t> ' prompt2 = r'Bash-\t- ' re_prompt = re.compile(r'Bash-\d\d:\d\d:\d\d([->]) ') pexpect.spawn.sendline_expect = _sendline_expect_func(re_prompt, n_skip=1) os.environ['PS1'] = prompt1 os.environ['PS2'] = prompt2 if platform.system() == 'Darwin': os.environ['BASH_SILENCE_DEPRECATION_WARNING'] = '1' spawn = pexpect.spawnu shell = spawn('/bin/bash --noprofile --norc --noediting', timeout=1e8) shell.logfile_read = logfile shell.expect(re_prompt) return shell, re_prompt def _setup_tcsh_shell(logfile): import pexpect prompt = r'Tcsh-%P> ' prompt2 = r'Tcsh-%P- ' re_prompt = re.compile(r'Tcsh-(\d)?\d:\d\d:\d\d([->]) ') # Tcsh puts an extra \r after the original command, which turns in an extra # line that needs to be skipped. pexpect.spawn.sendline_expect = _sendline_expect_func(re_prompt, n_skip=2) spawn = pexpect.spawnu shell = spawn('/bin/tcsh -f', timeout=1e8) shell.sendline('set prompt="{}"'.format(prompt)) shell.expect(re_prompt) shell.sendline('set prompt2="{}"'.format(prompt2)) shell.expect(prompt2) shell.logfile_read = logfile shell.expect(re_prompt) return shell, re_prompt
[docs]def run_shell(cmdstr, shell='bash', logfile=None, importenv=False, getenv=False, env=None): """ Run the command string ``cmdstr`` in a ``shell`` ('bash' or 'tcsh'). It can have multiple lines. Each line is separately sent to the shell. The exit status is checked if the shell comes back with a prompt. If exit status is non-zero at any point then processing is terminated and a ``ShellError`` exception is raise. :param cmdstr: command string :param shell: shell for command -- 'bash' (default) or 'tcsh' :param logfile: append output to the suppplied file object :param importenv: import any environent changes back to python env :param getenv: get the environent changes after running ``cmdstr`` :param env: set environment using ``env`` dict prior to running commands :rtype: (outlines, deltaenv) """ shell_name = shell if shell_name == 'bash': setup_shell_func = _setup_bash_shell elif shell_name == 'tcsh': setup_shell_func = _setup_tcsh_shell else: raise ValueError("shell argument must be 'bash' or 'tcsh'") shell, re_prompt = setup_shell_func(logfile) shell.delaybeforesend = 0.0 if env: exclude_vars = [] if shell_name == 'bash': setenv_str = "export %s='%s'" exclude_vars = ['PS1', 'PS2', 'PS3', 'PS4', 'PROMPT_COMMAND'] else: setenv_str = "setenv %s '%s'" exclude_vars = ['PROMPT', 'PROMPT2'] for key, val in env.items(): if key not in exclude_vars: # Would be better to properly escape any shell characters. shell.sendline_expect(setenv_str % (key, val)) shell.delaybeforesend = 0.01 outlines = [] for line in cmdstr.splitlines(): outlines += shell.sendline_expect(line) if re_prompt.match(shell.after).group(1) == '>': try: status_lines = shell.sendline_expect('echo $?', quiet=True) exitstr = status_lines[0].strip() exitstatus = int(exitstr) except ValueError: msg = ("Shell / expect got out of sync:\n" + "Response to 'echo $?' was apparently '%s'" % exitstr) raise ShellError(msg) if exitstatus > 0: raise ShellError('Shell command %s failed with exit status %d' % (cmdstr, exitstatus)) # Update os.environ based on changes to environment made by cmdstr deltaenv = dict() if importenv or getenv: expected_diff_set = set(('PS1', 'PS2', '_', 'SHLVL')) if shell_name == 'bash' else set() currenv = dict(os.environ) newenv = _parse_keyvals(shell.sendline_expect("printenv", quiet=True)) _fix_paths(newenv) for key in set(newenv) - expected_diff_set: if key not in currenv or currenv[key] != newenv[key]: deltaenv[key] = newenv[key] if importenv: os.environ.update(deltaenv) shell.close() # expect leaves a stray prompt when logging, so send a linefeed if logfile: logfile.write('\n') return outlines, deltaenv
# Some convenience methods
[docs]def bash_shell(cmdstr, logfile=None, importenv=False, getenv=False, env=None): """ Run the command string ``cmdstr`` in a bash shell. It can have multiple lines. Each line is separately sent to the shell. The exit status is checked if the shell comes back with a prompt. If exit status is non-zero at any point then processing is terminated and a ``ShellError`` exception is raise. :param cmdstr: command string :param shell: shell for command -- 'bash' (default) or 'tcsh' :param logfile: append output to the suppplied file object :param importenv: import any environent changes back to python env :param getenv: get the environent changes after running ``cmdstr`` :param env: set environment using ``env`` dict prior to running commands :rtype: (outlines, deltaenv) """ outlines, newenv = run_shell(cmdstr, shell='bash', logfile=logfile, importenv=importenv, getenv=getenv, env=env) return outlines, newenv
[docs]def bash(cmdstr, logfile=None, importenv=False, env=None): """Run the ``cmdstr`` string in a bash shell. See ``run_shell`` for options. :returns: bash output """ outlines, newenv = run_shell(cmdstr, shell='bash', logfile=logfile, importenv=importenv, env=env) return outlines
[docs]def tcsh(cmdstr, logfile=None, importenv=False, env=None): """Run the ``cmdstr`` string in a tcsh shell. See ``run_shell`` for options. :returns: tcsh output """ outlines, newenv = run_shell(cmdstr, shell='tcsh', logfile=logfile, importenv=importenv, env=env) return outlines
[docs]def tcsh_shell(cmdstr, logfile=None, importenv=False, getenv=False, env=None): """ Run the command string ``cmdstr`` in a tcsh shell. It can have multiple lines. Each line is separately sent to the shell. The exit status is checked if the shell comes back with a prompt. If exit status is non-zero at any point then processing is terminated and a ``ShellError`` exception is raise. :param cmdstr: command string :param shell: shell for command -- 'bash' (default) or 'tcsh' :param logfile: append output to the suppplied file object :param importenv: import any environent changes back to python env :param getenv: get the environent changes after running ``cmdstr`` :param env: set environment using ``env`` dict prior to running commands :rtype: (outlines, deltaenv) """ outlines, newenv = run_shell(cmdstr, shell='tcsh', logfile=logfile, importenv=importenv, getenv=getenv, env=env) return outlines, newenv
[docs]def getenv(cmdstr, shell='bash', importenv=False, env=None): """Run the ``cmdstr`` string in ``shell``. See ``run_shell`` for options. :returns: Dict of environment vars update produced by ``cmdstr`` """ outlines, newenv = run_shell(cmdstr, shell=shell, importenv=importenv, env=env, getenv=True) return newenv
[docs]def importenv(cmdstr, shell='bash', env=None): """Run ``cmdstr`` in a bash shell and import the environment updates into the current python environment (os.environ). See ``bash_shell`` for options. :returns: Dict of environment vars update produced by ``cmdstr`` """ outlines, newenv = run_shell(cmdstr, importenv=True, env=env, shell=shell) return newenv
# Null file-like object. Needed because pyfits spews warnings to stdout class _NullFile: def write(self, data): pass def writelines(self, lines): pass def flush(self): pass def close(self): pass
[docs]class RunTimeoutError(RuntimeError): pass
[docs]class Spawn(object): """ Provide methods to run subprocesses in a controlled and simple way. Features: - Uses the subprocess.Popen() class - Send stdout and/or stderr output to a file - Specify a job timeout - Catch exceptions and log warnings Example usage: >>> from ska_shell import Spawn, bash, getenv, importenv >>> >>> spawn = Spawn() >>> status =['echo', 'hello']) hello >>> status 0 >>> >>> try: ...['bad', 'command']) ... except Exception, error: ... error ... OSError(2, 'No such file or directory') >>>['bad', 'command'], catch=True) Warning - OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory >>> print spawn.exitstatus None >>> print spawn.outlines ['Warning - OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory\\n'] >>> >>> spawn = Spawn(stdout=None, shell=True) >>>'echo hello') 0 >>>'fail fail fail') 127 >>> >>> spawn = Spawn(stdout=None, shell=True, stderr=None) >>>'fail fail fail') 127 >>> print spawn.outlines [] Additional object attributes: - openfiles: List of file objects created during init corresponding to filenames supplied in ``outputs`` list """ def _open_for_write(self, f): """Return a file object for writing for ``f``, which may be nothing, a file name, or a file-like object.""" if not f: return _NullFile() # Else see if it is a single file-like object elif hasattr(f, 'write') and hasattr(f, 'close'): return f else: openfile = open(f, 'w', 1) # raises TypeError if f is not suitable self.openfiles.append(openfile) # Store open file objects created by this object return openfile @staticmethod def _timeout_handler(pid, timeout): def handler(signum, frame): raise RunTimeoutError('Process pid=%d timed out after %d secs' % (pid, timeout)) return handler def __init__(self, stdout=sys.stdout, timeout=None, catch=False, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=False): """Create a Spawn object to run shell processes in a controlled way. :param stdout: destination(s) for process stdout. Can be None, a file name, a file object, or a list of these. :param timeout: command timeout (default: no timeout) :param catch: catch exceptions and just log a warning message :param stderr: destination for process stderr. Can be None, a file object, or subprocess.STDOUT (default). The latter merges stderr into stdout. :param shell: send run() cmd to shell (subprocess Popen shell parameter) :rtype: Spawn object """ self.stdout = stdout self.timeout = timeout or 0 self.catch = catch self.stderr = stderr = shell self.openfiles = [] # Newly opened file objects for stdout # stdout can be None, <file>, 'filename', or sequence(..) of these try: self.outfiles = [self._open_for_write(self.stdout)] except TypeError: self.outfiles = [self._open_for_write(f) for f in self.stdout] def _write(self, line): for f in self.outfiles: f.write(line) self.outlines.append(line)
[docs] def run(self, cmd, timeout=None, catch=None, shell=None): """Run the command ``cmd`` and abort if timeout is exceeded. Attributes after run(): - outlines: list of output lines from process - exitstatus: process exit status or None if an exception occurred :param cmd: list of strings or a string(see Popen docs) :param timeout: command timeout (default: ``self.timeout``) :param catch: catch exceptions (default: ``self.catch``) :param shell: run cmd in shell (default: ````) :rtype: process exit value """ # Use object defaults if params not supplied if timeout is None: timeout = self.timeout if catch is None: catch = self.catch if shell is None: shell = # stderr = None is taken to imply catching stderr, done with PIPE stderr = self.stderr or subprocess.PIPE self.outlines = [] self.exitstatus = None try: self.process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=stderr, shell=shell, universal_newlines=True) prev_alarm_handler = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, Spawn._timeout_handler(, timeout)) signal.alarm(self.timeout) for line in self.process.stdout: self._write(line) self.exitstatus = self.process.wait() signal.alarm(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, prev_alarm_handler) except RunTimeoutError as e: if catch: self._write('Warning - RunTimeoutError: %s\n' % e) else: raise except OSError as e: if catch: self._write('Warning - OSError: %s\n' % e) else: raise return self.exitstatus