Source code for ska_arc5gl.arc5gl

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
Access the Chandra archive via the arc5gl tool.

import six
import pexpect
import os

# Should put in a watchdog timer to exit from arc5gl after a period of inactivity

[docs]class Arc5gl(object): """ Class to create an object to communicate with arc5gl. Create an object for sending commands to arc5gl and waiting for the prompt indicating command completion. Example:: arc5gl = ska_arc5gl.Arc5gl() arc5gl.sendline('obsid=21151') arc5gl.sendline('get acis2{evt2}') del arc5gl # explicitly shut things down, good idea If the file ``${HOME}/.arc5gl_user`` exists then the content will be taken as the user name to pass to the ``arc5gl`` Perl application for authentication. Otherwise the linux username will be used. :param echo: echo arc5gl output (default=False) :param timeout: wait for up to timeout seconds for response (default=100000) """ def __init__(self, echo=False, timeout=100000): self.arc5gl = None self.echo = echo args = ['--stdin'] arc5gl_user_file = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.arc5gl_user') if os.path.exists(arc5gl_user_file): user = open(arc5gl_user_file).read().strip() args = args + ['--user={}'.format(user)] self.prompt = 'ARC5GL> ' spawn = pexpect.spawn if six.PY2 else pexpect.spawnu self.arc5gl = spawn('arc5gl', args=args, timeout=timeout) self.arc5gl.expect(self.prompt) self.arc5gl.setecho(echo)
[docs] def sendline(self, line): """Send a single line to arc5gl and wait for the return prompt. There is no return value. :param line: line of input """ self.arc5gl.sendline(line) self.arc5gl.expect(self.prompt) if self.echo: print(self.prompt + self.arc5gl.before)
def __del__(self): if self.arc5gl is not None: self.arc5gl.sendline('exit') self.arc5gl.expect(pexpect.EOF) self.arc5gl.close() if self.echo: print('Closed arc5gl')