Chandra events


The kadi Chandra events database stores a variety of events that are useful in performing analysis or establishing situational awareness (i.e. what was happening around March 2017?). Examples include:

  • Events in telemetry such as maneuvers, NPM dwells, obsids, mech movements, momentum dumps, orbit events, etc.

  • CAPs, DSN passes, dark cals, SCS107, safe modes, bright star hold, etc

  • Chandra major events since launch

As shown in the Event definitions section, there are a number of different types of Chandra events that are available within the Kadi archive. Each type of event is essentially a database table with a number of data fields, some of them common to all event types and some of them unique.

Interval events

Most of the event types represent an interval of time with some defining characteristic, for instance maneuvers (Manvr), radiation zones (RadZone) or SIM TSC translations (TscMove). The documentation for each event type contains the event defintion, for example the Eclipse event is the interval where AOECLIPS = 'ECL'.

These “interval” event types all share the following fields:

Field name



Start date (YYYY:DOY:HH:MM:SS.sss)


Stop date (YYYY:DOY:HH:MM:SS.sss)


Start time (CXC seconds)


Stop time (CXC seconds)


Duration (seconds)

Many of the event types have additional fields that are specific to that type. For example the FaMove event also provides the values of the FA step position 3FAPOS before and after the SIM focus assembly translation, and the DsnComm event provides a host of information about each comm pass:












Start time (CXC secs)



Stop time (CXC secs)



Duration (secs)



Beginning of track



End of track



Activity description






Data rate



DSN site



DSN Sequence Of Events



DSN station

Non-interval events

The event types MajorEvent, ManvrSeq, and OrbitPoint are a bit different in that they refer to moment in time rather than an interval. For these types the only field they all have in common is date. For example the MajorEvent type has the following fields:






Unique key for this event



Event time to the nearest day (YYYY:DOY)



Event time to the nearest day (YYYY-Mon-DD)



Event time to the nearest day (CXC sec)



Event description



Note (comments or CAP # or FSW PR #)



Event source (FDB or FOT)

Even though many Chandra Major Events (such as a safe mode) are really intervals in time, the source databases do not encapsulate that information so the derived Kadi database is likewise ignorant of the actual interval. For the specific case of safe mode events the appropriate event type is actually SafeSun, which does have a meaningful start and stop time.

Getting started

To start using the Kadi archive you first need to fire up IPython in the Ska environment. From a shell terminal window do:

% ska3
% ipython --matplotlib

Now enter the following statement. This imports the interface modules for the event and commands databases:

>>> from kadi import events


The % is the standard indication for entering a command on the csh terminal window prompt. The >>> is the standard indication of entering a command at the Python or IPython interactive prompt. You do not actually type these characters (although it is actually allowed to copy the >>> in IPython).

Get events as a table

The most basic operation is to get some events from the Kadi archive. So let’s find all the SIM TSC moves since 2012:001:

>>> tsc_moves = events.tsc_moves.filter(start='2012:001').table

Let’s break this statement down to understand what is happening. Remember that in Python everything is an object and you can access object attributes or methods by chaining them together with the . (period).

The first bit is events.tsc_moves, which accesses the object that allows querying the database of TSC move events. You can easily see all the available event types for query by doing:

>>> events.<TAB>  # type "events." and then press <TAB>
events.caps             events.EventQuery       events.manvr_templates  events.rad_zones
events.dsn_comms        events.fa_moves         events.models           events.safe_suns
events.dumps            events.get_dates_vals   events.obsids           events.scs107s
events.dwells           events.major_events     events.orbits           events.tsc_moves
events.eclipses         events.manvrs           events.query

From events.tsc_moves we chain the filter(start='2012:001') method to select events that occurred after 2012:001. The filter() method is very powerful and can perform complex filters based on all the available attributes of an event. In this case to select an inclusive time range you would supply both the start and stop date in that order, e.g. filter(start='2012:001', stop='2013:001').

The last bit of the chain is the .table attribute, which says to convert the filter(start='2012:001') output from a QuerySet object (which is discussed later) into a an astropy Table that can be printed, plotted, and used in computations. Now let’s look at what came out by printing the Table. Before you do this make your terminal window plenty wide, there are a bunch of fields and you want to see them all:

>>> print tsc_moves
        start                  stop             tstart        tstop          dur      start_3tscpos stop_3tscpos start_det stop_det max_pwm
--------------------- --------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ --------- -------- -------
2012:001:18:21:31.715 2012:001:18:22:04.515 441829357.899 441829390.699 32.8000017405         75624        92903    ACIS-S   ACIS-I      10
2012:002:02:50:28.517 2012:002:02:54:50.917 441859894.701 441860157.101 262.400013864         92903       -99616    ACIS-I    HRC-S      10
2012:002:12:20:06.119 2012:002:12:24:28.519 441894072.303 441894334.703 262.400013864        -99616        75623     HRC-S   ACIS-S       4
2012:003:16:17:49.324 2012:003:16:18:22.124 441994735.508 441994768.308 32.8000017405         75623        92903    ACIS-S   ACIS-I       9
2012:003:22:19:42.925 2012:003:22:20:15.725 442016449.109 442016481.909 32.8000017405         92903        75624    ACIS-I   ACIS-S      10
                  ...                   ...           ...           ...           ...           ...          ...       ...      ...     ...
2013:169:06:34:32.856 2013:169:06:35:05.656  487924540.04  487924572.84 32.8000018597         92903        75624    ACIS-I   ACIS-S      10
2013:169:12:56:07.258 2013:169:12:56:40.058 487947434.442 487947467.242 32.8000018001         75624        92903    ACIS-S   ACIS-I       5
2013:170:06:44:51.261 2013:170:06:49:46.461 488011558.445 488011853.645 295.200016022         89824       -99616    ACIS-I    HRC-S       9
2013:170:18:38:48.063 2013:170:18:43:43.263 488054395.247 488054690.447 295.200016022        -99616        92903     HRC-S   ACIS-I       4

This shows the fields in the TSC moves event type. Many of the moves have been snipped in order to make the printout it fit onto one screen. Now plot the maximum pulse width modulation for each SIM translation as a function of time:

>>> from Ska.Matplotlib import plot_cxctime
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> plot_cxctime(tsc_moves['tstart'], tsc_moves['max_pwm'], '.')
>>> plt.grid()

Events and obsids

With kadi it’s easy to find the obsid for a particular event using the get_obsid() method of an event object that is returned from a filter query. The following example asks for all maneuvers within the range 2013:001:12:00:00 to 2013:002:12:00:00. It then prints the obsid for the first matching maneuver, then prints the obsid for all matching maneuvers. Note that in this case you do not use the final .table attribute as shown in the previous examples.

>>> manvrs = events.manvrs.filter('2013:001:12:00:00', '2013:002:12:00:00')
>>> print(manvrs[0].get_obsid())
>>> for manvr in manvrs:
...    print(manvr.start, 'Obsid :', manvr.get_obsid())
2013:001:16:38:45.535 Obsid : 15046
2013:001:21:16:45.361 Obsid : 15213

The converse of finding events that match an obsid is possible as well. In this case there may be zero, one or many matching events. In the following example we start by looking for all manuever events between 2013:100 and 2013:200 that have exactly two Kalman dwells:

>>> manvrs = events.manvrs.filter('2013:100', '2013:200', n_dwell__exact=2)
>>> print(manvrs)
<Manvr: start=2013:104:21:38:11.867 dur=1442 n_dwell=2 template=two_acq>
<Manvr: start=2013:142:12:43:01.918 dur=1763 n_dwell=2 template=three_acq>
<Manvr: start=2013:144:19:19:07.204 dur=1553 n_dwell=2 template=three_acq>

Now we get the obsid for the first matching maneuver and search for Kalman dwells with that obsid:

>>> print(manvrs[0].get_obsid())
>>> print(events.dwells.filter(obsid=15304))
<Dwell: start=2013:104:22:04:05.255 dur=5795>
<Dwell: start=2013:104:23:41:44.155 dur=4290>

As expected this matches what comes from asking directly for the dwells associated with the maneuver via the dwell_set attribute:

>>> print(manvrs[0].dwell_set.all())
<Dwell: start=2013:104:22:04:05.255 dur=5795>
<Dwell: start=2013:104:23:41:44.155 dur=4290>


For most event types the event obsid (as returned by get_obsid()) is defined as the obsid at the start of the event. The exception is maneuver events, for which it makes most sense to use the obsid at the end of the maneuver since that is the obsid for the corresponding Kalman dwell(s), star catalog and OR / ER.

Getting help

There are a lot of event types in kadi and it’s not easy to remember everything. Here we will make use of the IPython ? function to get help on objects. Starting from the top, you can list the available event types with the following:

>>> from kadi import events
>>> events?
Type:       module
String Form:<module '' from 'kadi/events/'>
File:       /data/baffin/tom/git/kadi/kadi/events/
Access and manipulate events related to the Chandra X-ray Observatory

Available events are:

=================  ====================================  ==============
    Query name                 Description                Event class
=================  ====================================  ==============
             caps                CAP from iFOT database             CAP
        dark_cals    ACA dark current calibration event         DarkCal
dark_cal_replicas  ACA dark current calibration replica  DarkCalReplica
        dsn_comms                       DSN comm period         DsnComm
            dumps        Ground commanded momentum dump            Dump
           dwells                  Dwell in Kalman mode           Dwell
         eclipses                               Eclipse         Eclipse
         fa_moves                    SIM FA translation          FaMove
    grating_moves       Grating movement (HETG or LETG)     GratingMove
    load_segments       Load segment from iFOT database     LoadSegment
         ltt_bads                     LTT bad intervals          LttBad
     major_events                           Major event      MajorEvent
           manvrs                              Maneuver           Manvr
       manvr_seqs               Maneuver sequence event        ManvrSeq
      normal_suns                 Normal sun mode event       NormalSun
           obsids                Observation identifier           Obsid
           orbits                                 Orbit           Orbit
     orbit_points                           Orbit point      OrbitPoint
       pass_plans                             Pass plan        PassPlan
        rad_zones                        Radiation zone         RadZone
        safe_suns                        Safe sun event         SafeSun
          scs107s                            SCS107 run          Scs107
        tsc_moves                   SIM TSC translation         TscMove
=================  ====================================  ==============

More help available at:

- Getting started

- Details (event definitions, filtering, intervals)

Next you may want to learn about the specific fields that are available for an event type. Use the same ? strategy here:

>>> events.orbits?
Type:       EventQuery
String Form:< object at 0x358f5d0>
File:       /data/baffin/tom/git/kadi/kadi/events/

**Event definition**: single Chandra orbit starting from ascending node crossing

Full orbit, with dates corresponding to start (ORBIT ASCENDING NODE CROSSING), stop,
apogee, perigee, radzone start and radzone stop.  Radzone is defined as the time
covering perigee when radmon is disabled by command.  This corresponds to the planned
values and may differ from actual in the case of events that run SCS107 and
prematurely disable RADMON.


================== ========== ==================================================
      Field           Type                       Description
================== ========== ==================================================
            start   Char(21)         Start time (orbit ascending node crossing)
             stop   Char(21)     Stop time (next orbit ascending node crossing)
           tstart      Float         Start time (orbit ascending node crossing)
            tstop      Float     Stop time (next orbit ascending node crossing)
              dur      Float                               Orbit duration (sec)
        orbit_num    Integer                                       Orbit number
          perigee   Char(21)                                       Perigee time
           apogee   Char(21)                                        Apogee time
        t_perigee      Float                             Perigee time (CXC sec)
    start_radzone   Char(21)                             Start time of rad zone
     stop_radzone   Char(21)                              Stop time of rad zone
 dt_start_radzone      Float   Start time of rad zone relative to perigee (sec)
  dt_stop_radzone      Float    Stop time of rad zone relative to perigee (sec)
================== ========== ==================================================

Class Docstring:
High-level interface for handling event queries.

This includes a few key methods:

- filter() : filter events matching criteria and return Django query set
- intervals(): return time intervals between event start/stop times

A key feature is that EventQuery objects can be combined with boolean
and, or, and not logic to generate composite EventQuery objects.  From
there the intervals() output can be used to select or remove the intervals
from Ska.engarchive fetch datasets.

Finally, the EventQuery filter method has detailed help available to remind you of syntax here:

>>> events.manvrs.filter?
Type:       instancemethod
String Form:<bound method EventQuery.filter of < object at 0x309e8d0>>
File:       /data/baffin/tom/git/kadi/kadi/events/
Definition: events.manvrs.filter(self, start=None, stop=None, obsid=None, subset=None, **kwargs)
Find events between ``start`` and ``stop``, or with the given ``obsid``, which
match the filter attributes in subsequent keyword argumentse.  The matching events
are returned as a Django query set [1].

If ``start`` or ``stop`` are not supplied they default to the beginning / end of
available data.  The optional ``subset`` arg must be a Python slice() object and
allows slicing of the filtered output.

This function allows for the powerful field lookups from the underlying
Django model implementation.  A field lookup is similar to an SQL ``WHERE``
clause with the form ``<field_name>__<filter_type>=<value>`` (with a double
underscore between.  For instance ``n_dwell__lte=1`` would be the same as
``SELECT ... WHERE n_dwell <= 1``.  Common filter types are:

- ``exact`` (exact match), ``contains`` (contains string)
- ``startswith``, ``endswith`` (starts or ends with string)
- ``gt``, ``gte``, ``lt``, ``lte`` (comparisons)
- ``isnull`` (field value is missing, e.g. manvrs.aca_proc_act_start)

For the common case of testing equality (``exact``) there is a shortcut where
the ``__exact`` can be skipped, so for instance ``n_dwell=1`` selects
maneuver events with one dwell.  The full list of field lookups is at [2].


  >>> from kadi import events
  >>> events.manvrs.filter('2011:001', '2012:001', n_dwell=1, angle__gte=140)
  >>> events.manvrs.filter('2011:001', '2012:001', subset=slice(None, 5))  # first 5
  >>> events.manvrs.filter(obsid=14305)


:param start: start time (DateTime compatible format)
:param stop: stop time (DateTime compatible format)
:param obsid: obsid for event
:param subset: subset of matching events that are output

:returns: Django query set with matching events

Use events to filter telemetry

Another common operation is using event intervals to filter telemetry data. A simple example is looking at EPHIN E1300 rates only outside of rad zone. A more complicated example is plotting OBC rate data only during “quiet” periods, which means during normal point mode with Kalman lock, at least 300 seconds away from any maneuvers, SIM motions, grating motions, and momentum dumps. With Kadi doing this sort of filtering is easy.

Here we show just the simple example above. First we plot the E1300 rates over a 30 day span, including rad zones:

>>> from Ska.engarchive import fetch
>>> plt.figure()

>>> e1300 = fetch.Msid("SCE1300", '2012:020', '2012:050')
>>> e1300_log = np.log10(e1300.vals.clip(10))
>>> plot_cxctime(e1300.times, e1300_log, '-b')
>>> ylabel('log10(E1300)')
>>> plt.grid()

Now we remove the intervals corresponding to the radiation zone and overplot the filtered data in red:

>>> e1300.remove_intervals(events.rad_zones)
>>> e1300_log = np.log10(e1300.vals.clip(10))
>>> plot_cxctime(e1300.times, e1300_log, '-r')

The converse operation of selecting intervals is also available:

>>> e1300.select_intervals(events.rad_zones)

Sometimes it is useful to select intervals in an MSID while retaining the original full dataset. You can do this with the copy=True option, which returns a brand new MSID object and leaves the original untouched:

>>> e1300 = fetch.Msid("SCE1300", '2012:020', '2012:050')
>>> e1300_rad_zones = e1300.select_intervals(events.rad_zones, copy=True)

More on intervals and padding

The event intervals themselves within a particular time range can be accessed as a list of (start, stop) with the intervals() method:

>>> events.rad_zones.intervals('2012:020', '2012:030')
[('2012:020:14:56:33.713', '2012:020:23:42:31.713'),
 ('2012:023:06:15:15.541', '2012:023:16:15:33.248'),
 ('2012:025:21:22:22.506', '2012:026:08:10:20.506'),
 ('2012:028:13:22:04.533', '2012:028:22:20:02.533')]

Frequently you want to pad the intervals by a bit in each direction. For instance if you want stable spacecraft attitudes you would want to filter out events that disturb the attitude, namely SIM motions, grating motions, and momentum dumps. But the events cover just the exact interval of a motion or dump, and you’d like to chop out times for 5 or 10 minutes afterward. In addition, it’s usually a good idea to cut out a bit before just to be safe.

To pad the grating events out by 5 minutes in each direction, create a new EventQuery object like this:

>>> grating_moves = events.grating_moves(pad=300)  # pad time in seconds

Positive values always make the interval bigger in each direction, so a pad of 300 seconds makes the interval a total of 10 minutes longer (5 minutes on each side). A pad of -300 seconds makes the interval start 5 minutes later and end 5 minutes earlier.

You can be more precise and specify the padding at the event start and stop by providing two values, the start and stop pad time. Again, the convention is that positive padding is always making the interval longer in each direction.

>>> grating_moves = events.grating_moves(pad=(100, 300))  # pad time in seconds

To finish the example, we would define similar padded events for the SIM moves and dumps:

>>> tsc_moves = events.tsc_moves(pad=(100, 300))
>>> dumps = events.dumps(pad=(100, 300))

You can examine or set the padding using the interval_pad attribute:

>>> dumps.interval_pad
<Pad start=100.0 stop=300.0 seconds>
>>> dumps.interval_pad = 500
>>> dumps.interval_pad
<Pad start=500.0 stop=500.0 seconds>

You can also set the interval pad for an event type directly. This method is discouraged, but shown below for reference since this used to be the accepted method:

>>> events.grating_moves.interval_pad = -100

Boolean combinations

The real power of intervals is that they can be combined with boolean expressions and can be padded on either end to make it easy to create complex time filters. Using the results in the previous section, we can create a composite event which is when there is a grating move OR a momentum dump OR a SIM (TSC) move:

>>> disturbances = grating_moves | dumps | tsc_moves

The following example selects all Kalman mode dwells, but removes times that could be affected by a SIM TSC move or a momentum dump.

>>> dwells = events.dwells(pad=-100)
>>> good_times = dwells & ~disturbances  # Dwells and NOT disturbances

You can examine the composite good_times event query and see how it is constructed of boolean combinations of the underlying base event query objects:

>>> good_times
(<EventQuery: Dwell pad=-100.0> AND NOT ((<EventQuery: GratingMove pad=(100.0, 300.0)>
OR <EventQuery: Dump pad=(100.0, 300.0)>) OR <EventQuery: TscMove pad=(100.0, 300.0)>))

Finally you can you this composite event query to define times for selecting telemetry of interest:

>>> dat = fetch.Msid('aoattqt1', '2012:001', '2012:002')
>>> dat.plot()
>>> dat_good = dat.select_intervals(good_times, copy=True)
>>> dat_good.plot('.r')
>>> plt.grid()

Filtering the interval events

The examples shown above share the feature that the selected intervals were defined using all of the events for a particular type. However, it is also possible to select only a subset of the available events based on other filter criteria. For example, if you wanted to examine telemetry during HETG insertions. This would be a snap with the following, which defines a new event query which is the subset of HETG insertion grating moves:

>>> hetg_insert = events.grating_moves(pad=50, grating='HETG', direction='INSR')

This new event query object can be used just like the original events.grating_moves except that now it only has HETG insertion events.

>>> events.grating_moves
<EventQuery: GratingMove pad=0.0>
>>> hetg_insert
<EventQuery: GratingMove pad=0.0 direction='INSR' grating='HETG'>

To overplot the grating angle as a function of time since the grating move start you might do:

>>> intervals = hetg_insert.intervals('2010:001', '2010:030')
>>> intervals
>>> print intervals  # This is a list of (start, stop) pairs
[('2010:002:15:25:39.725', '2010:002:15:28:15.013'),
 ('2010:004:09:41:29.708', '2010:004:09:44:04.996'),
 ('2010:018:13:36:14.745', '2010:018:13:38:50.033'),
 ('2010:021:04:47:00.207', '2010:021:04:49:35.494')]
>>> for start, stop in intervals:
...     dat = fetch.Msid('4hposaro', start, stop)
...     plot(dat.times - dat.times[0], dat.vals)

LTT bad times

Another example of practical interest is using the LTT bad times event to remove bad times for long-term trending plots by MSID. Before explaining more about what is going on, here is an example of filtering out LTT bad times (for the impatient):

>>> dat = fetch.Msid('AIRU2BT', '2011:001', '2013:001', stat='daily')
>>> dat_good = dat.remove_intervals(events.ltt_bads(msid='AIRU2BT'), copy=True)
>>> dat.plot('r', label='All')
>>> dat_good.plot(label='Good')
>>> plt.ylim(96, 103)
>>> plt.grid()
>>> plt.legend(fontsize='small')
>>> plt.title('AIRU2BT')

Now let’s look more closely at the LTT bad times events, which are derived from a FOT-supplied file that has the dates when particular trending items (the msid column) are bad for some reason:

>>> print events.ltt_bads.filter('2000:001', '2001:001').table
        start                  stop            tstart       tstop       dur         msid      flag
--------------------- --------------------- ------------ ------------ ------- --------------- ----
2000:001:00:00:00.000 2000:002:00:00:00.000 63072064.184 63158464.184 86400.0 PITCH_STAB_PERF    J
2000:001:00:00:00.000 2000:002:00:00:00.000 63072064.184 63158464.184 86400.0   YAW_STAB_PERF    J
2000:004:00:00:00.000 2000:005:00:00:00.000 63331264.184 63417664.184 86400.0      GCM_TSCACC    1
                  ...                   ...          ...          ...     ...             ...  ...
2000:358:00:00:00.000 2000:359:00:00:00.000 93916864.184 94003264.184 86400.0         3SDM15V    1
2000:358:00:00:00.000 2000:359:00:00:00.000 93916864.184 94003264.184 86400.0          3SDP5V    1
2000:366:00:00:00.000 2001:001:00:00:00.000 94608064.184 94694464.184 86400.0         3SDM15V    1

Some of the msid values correspond to like-named MSIDs in the engineering archive, but many (including all those shown here) do not. You can find the non-matches with:

>>> print(sorted(set(x.msid for x in events.ltt_bads.filter('1999:001'))
                 if not (x.msid in fetch.content or 'DP_' + x.msid in fetch.content)))
[u'*', u'3SDAGV', u'3SDFATSV', u'3SDM15V', u'3SDP15V', u'3SDP5V', u'3SDTSTSV', u'5EHSE300', u'ABIASZ',

There is a special msid value of '*' which corresponds to times that are bad for ALL MSIDs. The bad intervals with msid == '*' are always included in query results:

>>> events.ltt_bads(msid='AACCCDPT').all()
<LttBad: start=1999:270:00:00:00.000 msid=* flag=*>
<LttBad: start=1999:291:00:00:00.000 msid=* flag=*>
<LttBad: start=1999:295:00:00:00.000 msid=* flag=*>
<LttBad: start=2011:190:00:00:00.000 msid=* flag=*>
<LttBad: start=2011:191:00:00:00.000 msid=AACCCDPT flag=A>
<LttBad: start=2011:192:00:00:00.000 msid=AACCCDPT flag=A>
<LttBad: start=2011:302:00:00:00.000 msid=AACCCDPT flag=A>
<LttBad: start=2012:150:00:00:00.000 msid=* flag=*>
<LttBad: start=2012:151:00:00:00.000 msid=* flag=*>

Selecting overlapping events

Frequently you are interested in getting events based on overlap with other events. Examples include:

  • Select maneuver events either inside or outside the radiation zone.

  • Select SIM moves that occur during a maneuver.

  • Select maneuvers that have a SIM or Grating move.

This is possible using the select_overlapping() method of a QuerySet object. A QuerySet is the object that gets returned when you use the filter() or all() methods.

This is all easiest to see by example. Start by getting a subset of maneuvers that occurred between 2001:001:00:00:00 and 2001:003:00:00:00:

>>> manvrs = events.manvrs.filter('2001:001:00:00:00', '2001:003:00:00:00')
>>> manvrs
<Manvr: start=2001:001:07:48:35.843 dur=2073 n_dwell=2 template=nman_dwell>
<Manvr: start=2001:002:05:20:14.046 dur=1184 n_dwell=1 template=normal>
<Manvr: start=2001:002:08:53:23.997 dur=241 n_dwell=1 template=normal>
<Manvr: start=2001:002:14:55:24.773 dur=240 n_dwell=1 template=normal>
<Manvr: start=2001:002:20:50:34.523 dur=1185 n_dwell=1 template=normal>
>>> type(manvrs)
<class ''>

Now let’s find which of those had at least some portion inside the rad zone:

>>> manvrs.select_overlapping(events.rad_zones)
[<Manvr: start=2001:002:05:20:14.046 dur=1184 n_dwell=1 template=normal>,
 <Manvr: start=2001:002:08:53:23.997 dur=241 n_dwell=1 template=normal>,
 <Manvr: start=2001:002:14:55:24.773 dur=240 n_dwell=1 template=normal>]

This makes sense if you look at the rad zone times near then:

>>> events.rad_zones.filter('2001:001:00:00:00', '2001:003:00:00:00')
<RadZone: 194 2001:002:05:15:03 2001:002:20:50:23 dur=56.1 ksec>

We can turn it around and ask which maneuvers had some part outside of the rad zone, remembering the boolean expression logic that is possible. In fact any composite QueryEvent expression can be used as the argument:

>>> manvrs.select_overlapping(~events.rad_zones)
[<Manvr: start=2001:001:07:48:35.843 dur=2073 n_dwell=2 template=nman_dwell>,
 <Manvr: start=2001:002:20:50:34.523 dur=1185 n_dwell=1 template=normal>]

One subtlety here is that the original manvrs object is a QuerySet while the result of select_overlapping is a list of event objects. A QuerySet is more powerful because you could apply further filtering and so on, while the list is just a regular Python list. In practice this is not a real limitation.

Now on to the example of finding SIM moves that occur during a maneuver:

>>> tsc_moves = events.tsc_moves.filter('2010:191', '2010:192')
>>> tsc_moves
<TscMove: start=2010:191:18:34:00.978 dur=262 start_3tscpos=75623 stop_3tscpos=-99616>
<TscMove: start=2010:192:01:42:36.179 dur=230 start_3tscpos=-99616 stop_3tscpos=75623>
<TscMove: start=2010:192:03:27:33.779 dur=33 start_3tscpos=75623 stop_3tscpos=92903>
>>> tsc_moves.select_overlapping(events.manvrs)
[<TscMove: start=2010:191:18:34:00.978 dur=262 start_3tscpos=75623 stop_3tscpos=-99616>,
 <TscMove: start=2010:192:01:42:36.179 dur=230 start_3tscpos=-99616 stop_3tscpos=75623>,
 <TscMove: start=2010:192:03:27:33.779 dur=33 start_3tscpos=75623 stop_3tscpos=92903>]

All of these moves overlapped with a maneuver, but what if we want the moves that occurred entirely within a maneuver. To do this set the allow_partial=False to insist on complete overlaps:

>>> tsc_moves.select_overlapping(events.manvrs, allow_partial=False)
[<TscMove: start=2010:192:01:42:36.179 dur=230 start_3tscpos=-99616 stop_3tscpos=75623>,
 <TscMove: start=2010:192:03:27:33.779 dur=33 start_3tscpos=75623 stop_3tscpos=92903>]

This makes sense if you look at the maneuvers in that time interval. The first of the three SIM moves started before the maneuver at 191:18:36:37 but lasted about two minutes into the maneuver.

>>> events.manvrs.filter('2010:191', '2010:192')
<Manvr: start=2010:191:12:39:40.939 dur=240 n_dwell=1 template=normal>
<Manvr: start=2010:191:18:36:37.290 dur=241 n_dwell=1 template=normal>
<Manvr: start=2010:192:01:41:47.492 dur=1020 n_dwell=1 template=normal>
<Manvr: start=2010:192:03:26:36.892 dur=2869 n_dwell=1 template=normal>

To find every SIM-Z move in 2011 that didn’t overlap at all with a maneuver you would do:

>>> tsc_moves = events.tsc_moves.filter('2011:001', '2012:001')
>>> tsc_moves.select_overlapping(~events.manvrs, allow_partial=False)
[<TscMove: start=2011:158:15:24:01.657 dur=262 start_3tscpos=92903 stop_3tscpos=-99616>,
 <TscMove: start=2011:216:07:03:21.245 dur=230 start_3tscpos=75623 stop_3tscpos=-99616>,
 <TscMove: start=2011:297:18:28:57.614 dur=262 start_3tscpos=92903 stop_3tscpos=-99616>,
 <TscMove: start=2011:299:05:05:28.208 dur=230 start_3tscpos=75623 stop_3tscpos=-99616>]


The advanced usage section is incomplete, however examples of advanced usage are demonstrated in thie Kadi demo IPython notebook. Please refer to this notebook and download and run it.

Event definitions

Event class


Query name


CAP from iFOT database



ACA dark current calibration event



ACA dark current calibration replica



DSN comm period



Momentum unload either ground commanded or autonomous



Dwell in Kalman mode






SIM FA translation



Grating movement (HETG or LETG)



Load segment



LTT bad intervals



Major event






Maneuver sequence event



Normal sun mode event



Observation identifier






Orbit point



Pass plan



Radiation zone



Safe sun event



SCS107 run



SIM TSC translation


Event filtering

The EventQuery filter() method allows you to find events between start and stop, or with the given obsid, which match the filter attributes in subsequent keyword arguments. The matching events are returned as a Django query set [1].

If start or stop are not supplied they default to the beginning / end of available data. The optional subset arg must be a Python slice() object and allows slicing of the filtered output.

This method allows for the use of Django field lookups from the underlying Django model implementation. A field lookup is similar to an SQL WHERE clause with the form <field_name>__<filter_type>=<value> (with a double underscore between). For instance n_dwell__lte=1 would be the same as SELECT ... WHERE n_dwell <= 1. Common filter types are:

  • exact (exact match), contains (contains string)

  • startswith, endswith (starts or ends with string)

  • gt, gte, lt, lte (comparisons)

  • isnull (field value is missing, e.g. manvrs.aca_proc_act_start)

For the common case of testing equality (exact) there is a shortcut where the __exact can be skipped, so for instance n_dwell=1 selects maneuver events with one dwell. For a full list of field lookups see the general Django documentation on Making queries


>>> from kadi import events
>>> events.manvrs.filter('2011:001', '2012:001', n_dwell=1, angle__gte=140)
>>> events.manvrs.filter('2011:001', '2012:001')[:5]  # first 5
>>> events.manvrs.filter(obsid=14305)  # Manveuver(s) where obsid=14305 at start

To get all of the events use the all() method:

>>> events.normal_suns.all()
<NormalSun: start=2000:027:13:33:38.872 dur=1020>
<NormalSun: start=2000:049:03:23:08.544 dur=126872>
<NormalSun: start=2011:299:05:09:02.945 dur=81773>
<NormalSun: start=2012:151:12:33:36.285 dur=48711>

Advanced filtering

The result of a filter() query is a Django QuerySet object. From this starting point you can chain additional queries or take advantage of any of the QuerySet functionality described in Making queries.

For example if you wanted to find all maneuvers in 2011-Jan that were not “normal” and did not have an intermediate attitude, you could do:

>>> manvrs_2011 = events.manvrs.filter('2011-01-01T00:00:00', '2012-01-01T00:00:00')
>>> manvrs_2011.exclude(template='normal').exclude(template='interm_att')
<Manvr: start=2011:111:11:09:03.933 dur=1011 n_dwell=1 template=two_acq>
<Manvr: start=2011:112:06:22:42.186 dur=1116 n_dwell=1 template=two_acq>
<Manvr: start=2011:296:21:46:41.147 dur=1934 n_dwell=2 template=three_acq>
<Manvr: start=2011:298:22:07:37.432 dur=492 n_dwell=3 template=unknown>

To go really crazy and allow for even more complex queries, like those requiring OR logic, you can use Django Q objects.