
Update the cmd_states table to reflect current load segments / timelines in database. This is normally run as a cron job via the cmd_states/task_schedule.cfg task schedule file.


Usage: update_cmd_states.py [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --dbi=DBI             Database interface (sqlite|sybase)
  --server=SERVER       DBI server (<filename>|sybase)
  --user=USER           sybase user (default=Ska.DBI default)
  --database=DATABASE   sybase database (default=Ska.DBI default)
  --mp_dir=MP_DIR       MP load directory
  --h5file=H5FILE       filename for HDF5 version of cmd_states
                        Starting date for update (default=Now-10 days)
  --loglevel=LOGLEVEL   Log level (10=debug, 20=info, 30=warnings)

The --h5file option defaults to $SKA/share/cmd_states/cmd_states.h5.