

class aca_view.widgets.TableWidget(timeline, rows=['IMGNUM', 'IMGFUNC', 'IMGROW0', 'IMGCOL0', 'IMGFID', 'IMGSTAT', '', 'BGDAVG', 'BGDRMS', 'BGDSTAT', 'IMGSCALE', '', 'YAGS', 'ZAGS', 'DYAGS', 'DZAGS', 'AOACMAG', 'MAG_EST', 'AGE'], fmt=None)[source]

Widget to display slot telemetry in table format.

class aca_view.widgets.CmdWidget(timeline)[source]

Widget to display commands in table format.

class aca_view.widgets.GeneralInfoWidget(timeline)[source]

Widget to display non-slot data in table format.


class aca_view.widgets.aca_image_widget.ACAImage(slot=0, timeline=None, window_size=18, margin=0, unit='aca_view')[source]

One ACA Image.

This class contains all the non-Qt functionality. Similar to chandra_aca ACAImage.

class aca_view.widgets.ACAImageWidget(parent=None, slot=0, timeline=None, window_size=18, margin=1)[source]

One ACA Image implemented in Qt.

class aca_view.widgets.ACAImageWidgetCollection(timeline)[source]

A widget containing a collection of ACAImageWidget


class aca_view.widgets.data_source_dialog.DateTimeEdit[source]

Widget to get date-time from the user, using a standard date-time widget or a string.

class aca_view.widgets.DataSourceDialog(defaults=None, verbose=False)[source]

Dialog to configure data fetching.

class aca_view.widgets.IPythonWidget(**kwargs: Any)[source]

IPython terminal widget.